Knowledge and Learning Resources

Job Aids icon Job Aids

Job aids are crucial training tools when individuals join your organization. They are also handy reference tools, so when the new-hire gets overwhelmed, s/he has a resource for reference rather than having to go back to the 'trainer' for remedial assistance.

This page links to the lastest job aids. Click on the topic of interest below.

Supervisory - This site was developed for Supervisors by the Washington Office Division of Human Capital. It lists "The Supervisory Update" (NCTC's television program for supervisors), FWS supervisor resources, and on-line training courses.

Trainers - Visit this page if you are looking for information to how to create an online course, a podcast or vodcast, a tutorial, standalone video, a broadcast, and/or schedule and lead a WebEx. It will also give you information on copyrighted images, storyboards, and Section 508 accessiblity.

Last updated: November 8, 2012