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Kangaroo Express “Salute Our Troops®” Campaign Presents $39K to Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation

Donations from Kangaroo Express store guests raised $3.17 million total for military support organizations


CARY, N.C., Dec. 20, 2012 – The Pantry, Inc. (Nasdaq: PTRY), the leading independently operated convenience store chain in the southeastern United States, today announced its summer-long Kangaroo Express “Salute Our Troops®” fundraising campaign raised $39,000 for the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation, providing assistance on an emergency relief basis to soldiers and airmen serving in the Georgia National Guard and other qualified military members living in Georgia.


Kangaroo Express presented the donation to the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation on Dec. 19 at a local restaurant in Marietta, Ga. Mark Ostoits and Chris Hughes, Region Sales Directors at Kangaroo Express, presented the check to Maj Gen Tom Moore, President of the Foundation.


This is Kangaroo Express’ second donation to the foundation through its Salute Our Troops fundraising campaign. In its second year, the campaign raised $3.17 million total for military support organizations, surpassing the total number of funds raised during the inaugural 2011 campaign. 


From Independence Day through Labor Day, Kangaroo Express invited store guests to make donations to the campaign and empower communities to shine a spotlight of praise and gratitude on the military. Through its more than 1,500 Kangaroo Express stores across 13 states, customers and communities enthusiastically demonstrated united support for military personnel and their families. 


“Kangaroo Express guests and associates elevated the Salute Our Troops campaign to unprecedented levels this summer. It is their enthusiasm and passion that shows we, as a community, are here to support our troops and their families,” said John Fisher, senior vice president of marketing, merchandising and restaurant operations, Kangaroo Express. “This significant donation builds on Kangaroo Express’ ongoing commitment and gratitude for the sacrifices required to protect our nation and preserve our freedom. We look forward to continuing to work with the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation to support our National Guard servicemen and women and their families.”


Donations to the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation will build on those collected during the 2011 Salute Our Troops campaign to continue to support our military and their families.


Among the many supported since receiving the funds in November 2011, the Foundation has assisted in the case of a military family recovering from tornado destruction and a soldier with training-related injuries as he waited to recover for six to eight weeks without disability insurance before returning to his civilian job.


“On behalf of the Foundation and its Board, we want to express our heartfelt appreciation to Kangaroo Express for once again being selected as a cause partner of its Salute Our Troops campaign,” said Harriet Morgan, Executive Director. “Thanks to the campaign, a wealth of interest was generated throughout the region and $39,000 was raised. This will go a long way in helping our citizen-soldiers when they face financial hardship. It is wonderful to know that so many communities support our military.”


In addition to the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation, donations from the campaign will directly support the USO, lifting the spirits of America’s troops and their families around the world; Wounded Warrior Project, honoring and empowering injured servicemen and women; and five other state-based military support organizations.


The other Salute Our Troops beneficiaries include the Enlisted Association of National Guard of Tennessee Auxiliary Soldier Airman Relief Fund Inc., Florida National Guard Foundation, North Carolina National Guard Soldiers and Airmen Assistance Fund, South Carolina Military Family Care Association and the United States Veterans Corps based in North Carolina.


More than 200 Salute Our Troops celebrations were held at Kangaroo Express stores and community events throughout the southeastern United States led by the Salute Our Troops Caravan. Celebrations included custom military vehicles and the Salute Our Troops Command Center, where store guests had the opportunity to add their own voice of gratitude with “shout outs” of pride and appreciation. More than 3,000 “shout outs” areshowcased on the Salute Our Troops website at to share with troops and families around the world.


Salute Our Troops presenting sponsor, PepsiCo, one of the world’s largest food and beverage companies with iconic brands such as Pepsi-Cola, Quaker, Tropicana, Gatorade and Frito-Lay, was the leading corporate contributor to Kangaroo Express’ fundraising goal. To view additional Salute Our Troops partners, including McLane and Rockstar, please visit


For more information, visit the Salute Our Troops website To learn more about the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation, please visit


About The Pantry and Kangaroo Express

Headquartered in Cary, North Carolina, The Pantry, Inc. is the leading independently operated convenience store chain in the southeastern United States and one of the largest independently operated convenience store chains in the country. As of August 6, 2012, the Company operated 1,589 stores in thirteen states under select banners, including Kangaroo Express®, its primary operating banner. The Pantry's stores offer a broad selection of merchandise, as well as fuel and other ancillary services designed to appeal to the convenience needs of its customers. For more information, visit


With more than half of our stores located within 25 miles of a military installation, Kangaroo Express has supported the military and their families for many years, including raising a total of $5.67 million for the USO, Wounded Warrior Project and local military support organizations as part of its annual “Salute Our Troops®” fundraising campaign.




Media Contacts:

Sarah Haas

Largemouth Communications (on behalf of Kangaroo Express)

(919) 459-6457

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