Sunday, February 17, 2013
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Georgia Guard appoints first female Command Sergeant Major

CLAY NATIONAL GUARD CENTER, Marietta, Ga., May 1, 2012  Sergeant Major Carmen Morales of Brookhaven, Ga., became the first female in the history of the Georgia Army National Guard to be appointed to the position of command sergeant major. Morales was formally appointed as the Command Sergeant Major of the Georgia Guard’s Recruiting and Retention Battalion during a ceremony attended by distinguished guests and family.

“This is truly a historic and memorable day,” said Brig. Gen. Joe Jarrard, Commanding General of the Georgia Army National Guard. “Because of our long history, we do not get to observe many firsts, but we do here today.”

James Nelson, State Command Sergeant Major for the Georgia Guard, commented on the importance of the occasion.

Command Sgt. Maj. Morales reflects on 23 years in the military.

“Today another barrier for women has toppled,” said Nelson. “This appointment represents the changing face, direction, and attitude of the Georgia National Guard. We celebrate the accomplishments of Command Sgt. Maj. Morales, but we also recognize that her work and achievements can inspire others and let them know doors are open for them in the Georgia Guard.”

A command sergeant major is the senior enlisted Soldier in Army units of battalion size or larger. In her new position, Morales will advise the battalion commander on matters impacting Soldier training and management of more than 1,400 members of the Georgia Guard to include recruiters, full-time Soldiers, and traditional Guardsmen as well as civilian employees and contractors. 

Morales recounted her history with the military following her initial three-year enlistment in 1988.

“I reenlisted in Kuwait,” said Morales. “I had not meant to serve more than the initial enlistment, but as I learned English, I learned words like ‘honor’ and ‘duty’. In the Army, I learned the true meaning of these words.” 

Twenty-three years later, Morales is still in the military.

“I always go back to the fact that I love this job,” said Morales. “I love Soldiers and I love being an NCO.”

A native of Naranjito, Puerto Rico, Command Sgt. Maj. Morales joined the U.S. Army in 1988. During her 14 years of active Army service, Morales served at Fort Jackson, S.C; Fort Bragg, N.C.; Johnston Atoll; and Alexandria, Va.

After joining the Georgia Guard in 2001, Morales served 11 years as a Recruiting & Retention NCO, Team NCOIC, and First Sergeant in the recruiting and retention battalion. In her years of distinguished service she has earned the Meritorious Service Medal, eight Army Commendation Medals, ten Army Achievement Medals, and seven Good Conduct Medals, and several other awards. Additionally, this Warrior has achieved the Drill Sergeant Identification Badge, Basic Airborne Parachutist Badge, Australian Parachutist Badge, and M-16 Rifle Expert Qualification Badge.

When asked how she had ascended so high in the organization, Morales offered the following observations: “Never quit; never make excuses.  The sky is your limit, and opportunities are there if you apply yourself.  It is ultimately up to you.”


1st Lt. William Carraway

Media Relations Officer

Georgia Department of Defense

(404) 788-1487 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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