Sunday, February 17, 2013
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2010 Senior leader engagement in the country of Georgia


2010 Senior Leader Engagement in the country of Georgia

In April, Georgia’s Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. William (Terry) Nesbitt, visited the country of Georgia for his annual senior leader engagement. This event is the capstone of the annual planning cycle which began in January. During this visit, General Nesbitt met with the U.S. Ambassador to Georgia, John R. Bass, and his country team to discuss the country campaign plan and reaffirm the Georgia National Guard’s support for the country of Georgia through the State Partnership Program.

General Nesbitt also met with several senior-level Georgian officials, to include the Deputy Minister of Defense, Chief of Defense, Chief of the Georgian National Guard, and several members of Parliament. With each conversation, he pledged U.S. support to help Georgia build a professional military and continue democratic reform.

General Nesbitt was accompanied by his wife, Letha, who had her own busy itinerary. She was invited to speak at several schools and local chapters of American Corners – an organization that promotes English language proficiency. She was eagerly greeted at each venue and spent most of her time talking about coastal Georgia (the State). Mrs. Nesbitt also donated several boxes of toys, books, etc. to the students.

This senior leader engagement was extended by one day due to the volcanic ash from Iceland. The ash shut-down most air travel in northern Europe which subsequently affected world-wide travel.



Lt. Col. (Ret.) Ken Baldowski, Media Relations, (678) 569-6064, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Lt Col David Johnson Director, International Affairs Georgia National Guard, (678) 569-3906 (DSN 338), This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

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