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South Central ARMI

Guide to Louisiana Amphibians

The U.S. Geological Survey's Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI) is divided into seven regions.  The south-central region includes the States of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana.  We are currently conducting research projects designed to monitor amphibians on Federal lands in these States and to research possible causes of declines in amphibian populations.  These potential threats include loss or degradation of habitat, disease, and contamination or pollution.

As part of our monitoring effort for amphibians in Louisiana, we have developed the following pages as a guide to the amphibian species of Louisiana.  The amphibians have been divided into the order anura, which includes the frogs and toads, and the order caudata which includes our salamanders.  We have provided a description of each species along with a range map and pictures of the species when available.  Check the glossary for an explanation of the terms used in these descriptions.  We have relied very heavily on the works of Conant and Collins (1991), Dundee and Rossman (1986), and Mount (1975) for the descriptions of these species.  If you decide you would like to learn more about Louisiana's amphibians, these guides (listed under references) are excellent sources of further information.

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