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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Engineer Advocacy Branch
Mission Statement

The mission of this branch is to provide a single advocate for USMC engineer operations and the USMC engineer community, bringing together the necessary skills and resources to effectively identify and support critical engineer capabilities. LPE responsibilities are outlined by the following nine activities: 
  • Providing an overarching vision for the USMC engineer and explosive ordnance disposal community.
  • Providing subject matter expert support for USMC engineer and EOD concept development.
  • Providing subject matter expert support for USMC engineer and EOD doctrine development.Identifying USMC engineer and EOD capabilities necessary to support operational concepts.
  • Representing USMC engineer and EOD capabilities in the USMC combat development process.
  • Providing a single service-level voice for USMC engineer and EOD matters to agencies internal and external to the Marine Corps.
  • Coordinating USMC EOD support to US Secret Service and Department of State.Representing USMC combat engineer and EOD capabilities to the joint unexploded ordnance management office.
  • Coordinating naval engineer issues with the naval construction force.

This charter establishes the Engineer Advocacy Branch as a separate Branch (LPE) of the Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics (DC, I&L). This charter defines missions and functions.


DC, I&L, as the engineer advocate, is responsible for ensuring Marine Corps forces and, in particular, its deploying Marine Air Ground Task Forces (MAGTF's), contain the necessary engineer and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) capabilities to meet mission requirements. Engineer capabilities are those capabilities that provide mobility, counter-mobility, survivability and general engineering support, to include bulk liquids operations, necessary to support a MAGTF from the initiation of operations to the accomplishment of its mission. EOD capabilities are those that provide for the detection, identification, field evaluation, rendering safe, recovery, and disposal of unexploded explosive ordnance.DC, I&L will work with the Operating Forces; Installation Commander, Marine Corps Logistics Command (MCLC); CG, Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC) in identifying engineer and EOD requirements (capabilities/systems) needed for performing engineer and EOD functions across the spectrum of the MAGTF. DC, I&L (LP) works with these commands within the Expeditionary Force Development System (EFDS) to ensure that the right engineer and EOD capabilities and systems are properly identified, coordinated, and acquired through the POM/Budget/Acquisition process to support evolving future Marine Corps operational concepts.Given established policies, procedures, and fielded capabilities DC, I&L must provide Service-Level oversight, assessment, and feedback to ensure that operational needs are met. The Engineer Advocacy Branch provides the mechanics for dealing with operational issues and related support activities, and a means of providing feedback to appropriate organizations on the effectiveness of their actions at the MAGTF level.

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