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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Services Branch Special Programs (Garrison Property) Section (LFS-1)
How to Access the NAVY E-Learning Web Site for DPAS-MC & related courses
  • Log on to the Garrison Property Management Section (LFS-1) Web page or go directly to URL
  • At the LFS-1 Web page, select Accessing USMC E-Learning.
Note: It is recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer; on some machines Netscape does not display all of the graphics and fields.

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Organizational Chart
Mission Statement
Establish Policy, and procedures for the management of Garrison Property Plant and Equipment (PP&E), used to support the mission of Marine Corps Installation and to function as the Installation Commander's advocate in matters that pertain to personal Property.
  • Implement and administer higher Headquarters and Marine Corps policy, directions and procedures that apply to Garrison Property and programs management.
  • Through the Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS), provide Garrison Property accountability oversight and user support.
  • Represent the Marine Corps Garrison Property interests within the DoD, Federal Agencies and private industry ventures.
  • Develop funding plans and the program objective memorandums (POM), for Garrison Property programs.
  • Ensure adequate Garrison Property support for the Installations and military construction projects by coordinating requirements with LFL and LFF.
  • Provide assistance to the Marine Corps Principal Liaison Officer to the Defense Commissary Agency.
Concept of Program Support. Maintain physical and financial control over Garrison PP&E using the DoD mandated garrison property accountability systems (DPAS). Ensure the availability of non-tactical Capital (Plant Property - has unit price of $100,000 or more), minor (has unit price of $2,500 to $99,999), and sub-minor (less than $2,500) personal property, by coordinating requirements through General Fund budget programs. The aforementioned actions are based on requirements identified by the Bases/Stations and military construction Project Managers. Capitalized property programs include CSE, selected FPSE and WHSE MOD equipment, and are procured with Procurement Marine Corps (PMC) funds. Minor Property Programs include PSE, FPSE, WHSE MOD, and MCON CE (includes JFIP) and is procured with O&MMC funds.
  • Personnel Support Equipment (PSE). The PSE program is used to buy furniture, furnishings and equipment in the BEQ/BOQ, messhalls and administrative offices.  
  • Command Support Equipment (CSE). The CSE provides for Government-owned nonexpendable equipment having an initial unit cost that is equal to or greater than $5,000 and but less than $100,000, which is not procured from a centrally managed program. The CSE provides for new, and replacement of non-tactical Plant property (i.e., waste pulpers, air analyzers, milling machines and conveyor systems).
  • Collateral Equipment (CE). The CE provides for the initial outfitting of new or renovated facilities with furniture, furnishings and non-tactical/general equipment, in support of military construction (MCON). This excludes specialized, non-tactical equipment such audiovisual, telecommunication, computers, safety and security equipment.
  • Warehouse Modernization (WHSE MOD). The WHSE MOD program provides for modernization of existing warehouses to better utilize manpower, storage space, and maintain care of supplies in long-term storage.
  • Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS). This is the DoD mandated property accountability and equipment management system that provides the Marine Corps with accountability and financial control over Garrison Property.
The need to properly acquire, account for and maintain Garrison Property is critical to the Installation's ability to perform its day-to-day base support operations. To this end, LFS-1 provides the services necessary to support the Installation Commander's Garrison mission.
  • Garrison Property defined. Garrison Property is non-deployable commercial off-the-shelf property such as furniture, furnishings, and equipment in the BEQs/BOQs and offices. It also includes items used to produce goods and/or services to support the Activity's Garrison mission, such as tangible equipment, industrial plant equipment, and or other types of assets, including intangible assets. Garrison property does not include Inventory (i.e., items held for sale in the ordinary course of operations), Operating Materials and Supplies (i.e., items held for use in normal operations, offices supplies) and National Defense Equipment (NDE).
  • Accounting for Garrison Property. Capitalized property is both accountable and reportable. While minor property is accountable but not reportable, sub-minor property is with the exception of ADP equipment, pilferable and sensitive items, not accountable or reportable. Per MCO P10150.1, Activities that currently have or have acquired Capitalized assets and are the accountable Command for Garrison property, are required to complete the NAVCOMPT 167.
  • Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS). The DoD, mandated system for maintaining the accountability of Garrison Property is, the Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS). Marine Corps specific DPAS functional support services provided, include the following:
  • Process all DPAS related System Authorization Access Requests, Form 41 (SAAR), this form is used to obtain a User Identification Code (User ID);
  • Process Module Level Access Requests (MLAR), this form is used to establish User profiles in DPAS appropriate (i.e., designate required UIC and assigned program access);
  • Provide first level functional, help desk support to field Activities as required;
  • Delete and Add Users to DPAS;
  • Reset User Passwords;
  • Add, Change and Delete items to the DPAS Catalog;
  • Load data to DPAS Utility Tables (i.e., Fund Code, Appropriation Code, New UIC, Address Keys, and Site Codes); and
  • Manage DPAS Systems Change Request (SCR) and coordinate their submission to the DPAS Configuration Control Board (CCB).
Services Branch (LFS) Points of Contact
COM: (703) 695-XXXX / DSN: 225-XXXX
Fax: (703) 695-7453
 Title /  Phone Number
 Branch Head (703) 695-6980
 Administrative Support Specialist/CINC Award (703) 695-6965


 Title /  Phone Number
 DepHd Svcs Br/Commissary LN/ISA Mgr/HR LN (703) 695-8057
 Program Analyst/Instal CMDRs TRNG Crs (703) 695-6965


 Title /  Phone Number
 Section Head (703) 695-7037
 Gen Supply Specialist (703) 695-6965
 Program Analyst (703) 695-6965
 Contract Support (703) 695-6965


 Title /  Phone Number
 Section Head (703) 695-7010
 Program Analyst (703) 695-7371
 Garrison Transportation (703) 695-7371
 Contract Support (703) 695-7371


 Title /  Phone Number
 Section Head (703) 695-7208
 Assistant Head (703) 695-7662
 OPS/Plans Officer (703) 695-7662
 Program Analyst (703) 695-7396
 Food Service Technician (703) 695-7208
 OPS Chief (703) 695-7662
 Contract Support (703) 695-7371
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