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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Business Innovation Branch
The Marine Corps Business Enterprise Office exists to improve war-fighting excellence through a continuous commitment to perform business processes better and at a lower cost.
  • MC Productivity Investment Account (MCPIA)
  • Beneficial Suggestions Program (BENESUGG)
  • CPI Management System (CPIMS)
  • Community of Interest (COI)
  • Consortium for Advanced Management-International (CAM-I)

Beneficial Suggestions Programs
** Now Submit Beneficial Suggestions through LOGCOM's web site!
Please note, LOGCOM maintains its own separate and distinct Beneficial Suggestions Program. It exists under a separate Order apart from MCO 1650.17. Please contact the LOGCOM team before you submit a suggestion via their website. Your suggestion may need to be processed by a more appropriate location depending on subject matter. Thank you.

The Marine Corps Beneficial Suggestions Programs recognizes individuals and/or groups for ideas that have the potential to benefit the entire Marine Corps or, at least, a local Installation/Base Command. Briefly, a beneficial suggestion is a constructive idea submitted in writing that proposes to do a task better, faster, cheaper, or safer. A suggestion need not be new or original, but must define a specific problem and outline a workable solution. Suggestors are awarded based on a percentage of estimated first-year savings in direct labor and material costs, solely for adopted ideas.

Award criteria as well as all other program details are documented in Marine Corps Order 1650.17F and OPNAVINST 1650.8C. Once you click on the OPNAVINST link, within the alphabetical listing click on the letter "B" and then click on "Beneficial Suggestions." 1650.8C will open up as a .pdf file. 

Your local Suggestions Program Coordinator may be able to address any questions you may have concerning the program. 

What is an eligible suggestion?
An idea submitted in writing by an individual/group (civilian or military) to:
  • Simplify or improve operations.
  • Save time required to accomplish a task.
  • Increase output & enhance productivity.
  • Improve procedures, operating methods or equipment, work-space layouts, and organizations.
  • Save material and property.
  • Save manpower money.
  • Improve personnel safety. 
What is an ineligible suggestion?
  • Stating a problem without offering a solution.
  • Calling attention to the need for routine maintenance, repair, or the purchase of ordinary supplies & materials.
  • Increasing personal comfort, convenience, or desires of solely the suggestor.
  • Recommending enforcement of existing directives or regulations.
  • Suggestions having implementation costs in excess of any anticipated cost savings. 
How does one submit a suggestion? 

To submit a suggestion, please fill out a Suggestion Form (NAVSO 5305/1).  Submit the form to your local Suggestions Program Coordinator. 

The Installations & Logistics Office and the men and women of U.S. Marine Corps sincerely appreciate your past submissions and look forward to your continued participation! Thank you!
MC Productivity Investment Account (MCPIA)

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