Federal Maritime Commission
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Office of the Managing Director

Managing Director
Ronald D. Murphy

Deputy Managing Director
Florence A. Carr

Director of Field Investigations
Michael F. Carley

Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Review
Austin L. Schmitt

The Office of the Managing Director is responsible for implementing the administrative directives of the Chairman, the management and coordination of Commission Bureaus, and overseeing the agency's Area Representatives.

The Director oversees the agency's administrative offices: Office of Budget and Finance, Office of Human Resources, Office of Information Technology, and Office of Management Services. 

The Director is also responsible to the Chairman for the management and coordination of Commission Bureaus, including the Bureau of Trade Analysis, the Bureau of Certification and Licensing, and the Bureau of Enforcement.

The Commission maintains a presence in Houston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, Seattle and South Florida through Area Representatives based in each of those areas. These Area Representatives serve other major port cities and transportation centers within their respective areas.  Area Representatives represent the Commission within their jurisdictions, provide liaison between the Commission and the local maritime industry and the shipping public, collect and analyze information of regulatory significance, provide monitoring and investigative functions, and assess industry conditions. Liaison activities involve cooperation and coordination with other Federal, state, and local government agencies and departments, providing regulatory information, including educational seminars, relaying Commission policy to the shipping industry and the public, and handling informal complaints.

See the links in the left or right columns for more information about any of the Offices, Bureaus, or Area Representatives.

Contact Information

Phone: 202-523-5800

Fax: 202-523-3646

E-mail: OMD@fmc.gov

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