Federal Maritime Commission
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Office of the Secretary

Karen V. Gregory

Assistant Secretary
Rachel E. Dickon

The Office of the Secretary serves as the focal point for all matters and documents submitted to and emanating from the Commission.  The Office receives and processes a variety of documents filed by the public including: formal and informal complaints initiating proceedings involving alleged violations of the shipping statutes; special docket applications and applications to correct clerical or administrative errors in service contracts; all communications, petitions, pleadings, briefs, or other legal instruments in regulatory and administrative proceedings; and subpoenas served on the Commission or its members. 

The Office also is responsible for preparing and submitting regular and notation agenda matters for consideration by the Commission, and preparing and maintaining the minutes of actions taken on these agenda and notation matters; maintaining official files and records of all formal proceedings; issuing orders and notices of actions of the Commission; compliance with Freedom of Information, Government in the "Sunshine", and Privacy Acts; responding to information requests from the maritime industry and the public, issuing publications and authenticating instruments and documents of the Commission; compiling and publishing Commission historical decisions; maintaining and promulgating official copies of the Commission's regulations; maintaining a Public Reference/Law Library and a Docket Library; distributing public filings; and overseeing the organization and content of the Commission's website.

Contact Information

Phone: 202-523-5725

Fax: 202-523-0014

E-mail: secretary@fmc.gov

Filing Documents


User/Filing Fees

Related Information

FOIA Requester Service
Phone: 202-523-5707
E-mail: foia@fmc.gov

Docket Activity Library
Phone: 202-523-5760
E-mail: Magdalene Grant

Law & Reference Library
Phone: 202-523-5762
E-mail: Charlotte White, Librarian