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Sasha Reed

Research Ecologist

Contact Info

Short Biography

I am a scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey and a member of the Southwest Biological Science Center. My research interests are centered within the fields of biogeochemistry and ecosystem ecology. Currently, I study terrestrial ecosystems in Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Hawai’i, Bolivia, and Costa Rica. While the study sites and methods I use are diverse, with each of my projects I strive to determine dynamic controls over fundamental ecosystem processes. I hope to provide information that will help us maintain the desirable features of our nation’s ecosystems in a world that is changing. Terrestrial ecosystems are critical to our existence. They hold up our houses, provide most of our food, and offer places that are meaningful to us and our history. My goal is to understand what makes these ecosystems work the way they do, and to make that understanding accessible so that decision makers and land managers have the information they need to best evaluate how to manage our landscapes.
18) Reed, SC, PM Vitousek & CC Cleveland (In press). Nutrient limitation in terrestrial ecosystems: are belowground patterns consistent with those aboveground? Biogeochemistry.
17) Reed, SC, AR Townsend, PG Taylor & CC Cleveland. (2011) Phosphorus Cycling in Tropical Forests Growing on Highly-Weathered Soils. In: (Buneman EK, A Oberson, E Frossard) Phosphorus In Action—Biological Processes in Soil Phosphorus Cycling. Springer Publishing Co. vol. 26, pp. 339-369.
16) Wickings K, Grandy AS, SC Reed & CC Cleveland (2011) Management intensity alters dcomposition via biological pathways. Biogeochemistry 104: 365-379.
15) Cleveland, CC, WR Wieder, SC Reed & AR Townsend (2010) Experimental drought in a wet tropical forest increases soil carbon dioxide losses to the atmosphere. Ecology 91: 2313-2323.
14) Reed, SC, AR Townsend, CC Cleveland & DR Nemergut (2010) Microbial community shifts influence patterns in tropical forest nitrogen fixation. Oecologia 164: 521-531
13) Cleveland, CC, BZ Houlton, C Neill, SC Reed, AR Townsend & YP Wang (2010) Using indirect methods to constrain symbiotic nitrogen fixation rates: A case study from an Amazonian rain forest. Biogeochemistry 99: 1-13.
12) Sattin SR, CC Cleveland, E Hood, SC Reed, AJ King, MS Robeson, NL Ascarrunz & DR Nemergut (2009) Functional shifts in perhumid, recently-deglaciated soils do not correlate with shifts in soil bacterial community composition. The Journal of Microbiology 47: 673-681.
11) Costello, EK, SRP Halloy, SC Reed, P Sowell & SK Schmidt (2009) Fumarole-supported islands of biodiversity within a hyper-arid, high-elevation landscape on Socompa Volcano, Puna de Atacama, Andes. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 75: 735-747.
10) Freeman, KR, MY Pescador, SC Reed, EK Costello, MS Robeson & SK Schmidt (2009) Soil CO2 flux and photoautotrophic community composition in high-elevation, ‘barren’ soil. Environmental Microbiology 11: 674-686.
9) Schmidt, SK, SC Reed, DR Nemergut, AS Grandy, CC Cleveland, MN Weintraub, AW Hill, EK Costello, AF Meyer, AM Martin & JC Neff (2008) The earliest stages of primary succession in high-elevation (5000 meters above sea-level), recently deglaciated soils. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275: 2793-2802.
8) Reed, SC, CC Cleveland & AR Townsend (2008) Tree species control rates of free-living nitrogen fixation in a tropical rain forest. Ecology 89: 2924-2934.
7) Reed, SC, CC Cleveland & AR Townsend (2007) Controls over leaf litter and soil nitrogen fixation in two lowland tropical rain forests. Biotropica 39: 585-592.
6) Schmidt, SK, EK Costello, DR Nemergut, CC Cleveland, SC Reed, MN Weintraub, AF Meyer & AM Martin (2007) Microbial turnover and seasonal succession drive biogeochemical cycles in the alpine. Ecology 88: 1379-1385.
5) Reed, SC, TR Seastedt, CM Mann, KN Suding & AR Townsend (2007) Phosphorus fertilization stimulates nitrogen fixation and increases inorganic nitrogen concentrations in a restored prairie. Applied Soil Ecology 36: 238-242.      
4) Cleveland, CC, SC Reed & AR Townsend (2006) Nutrient regulation of organic matter decomposition in a tropical rain forest. Ecology 87: 492-503.
3) Bowker, MA, SC Reed, J Belnap & SL Phillips (2002) Temporal variation in community composition, pigmentation, and Fv/Fm in desert cyanobacterial soil crusts. Microbial Ecology 43: 13-25.
2) Reed, SC, GJ Capitosti, Z Zhu & DA Modarelli (2001) Photochemical generation and matrix-isolation detection of dimethylvinylidene. Journal of Organic Chemistry 66: 287-291.
1) Reed, SC & DA Modarelli (1996) Conformational effects on the excited state 1,2-hydrogen migration in alkyldiazomethanes. Tetrahedron Letters 37: 7209-7212.

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My Science Topics

Science Topic
Ecology and Environmentbiodiversity
Ecology and Environmentdeserts
Ecology and Environmentecological processes
Ecology and Environmentecosystem functions
Ecology and Environmentecosystems
Ecology and Environmentenvironmental assessment
Ecology and Environmentforests
Ecology and Environmentgrasslands
Ecology and Environmenthabitat alteration
Ecology and Environmenthabitats
Ecology and Environmentshrublands
Ecology and Environmenttundras

My USGS Science Strategy Areas

Understanding Ecosystems & Predicting Ecosystems Change

The Role of Environment and Wildlife in Human Health

Climate Variability & Change

Energy & Minerals for America's Future

Some of My Current Research Interests

Image of Current Focus for Some of My Current Research Interests
  • Biofuels development in the southwestern U.S.: Alternative energy offers a suite of potential benefits for lowering greenhouse gas emissions, adding to our economy, and reducing our dependence upon foreign oil. In particular, due to high solar energy and newer alternatives of biofuel crops, biofuel development in the southwestern U.S. could represent a significant source of biofuel energy. However, we know little about the potential for this region to act as an efficient biofuel energy source; what the requirements this development would be (irrigation, fertilization, etc.); what effects it would have on overall greenhouse gas budgets and local plant and animal communities; and what ecosystem consequences might follow from this development. I am currently part of a group conducting a multi-disciplinary assessment of biofuels in the southwestern U.S., integrating modeling efforts with on-the-ground assessments.
  • Climate change and its effects on terrestrial ecosystems: Climate change is predicted to significantly alter terrestrial ecosystems around the globe, with the potential to negatively affect a suite of ecosystem services. I have a variety of projects - ranging from climate manipulations in southwestern U.S. drylands to elevation gradients in Hawai'ian forests - aimed at elucidating how terrestrial ecosystems will respond to climate change. In particular, I am interested in understanding the mechanisms behind observed ecosystem changes, with the overarching goal of not only bettering our understanding these systems, but of bettering our predictions of future ecosystem function as well. I work closely with a number of collaborators in order to try and reach these research goals.
  • Nitrogen deposition in the Four Corners Region, USA: Nitrogen deposition in the western U.S. has repeatedly been linked with lowered air quality, increased greenhouse gas emissions, altered plant community composition, reduced water quality, and modified fire regimes. Using modeling and field approaches in Arches, Canyonlands, and Mesa Verde National Parks, I am part of a research team investigating how increased nitrogen deposition in the Four Corners region could affect plant and soil communities and their function. In particular, we are asking questions about how nitrogen deposition could affect exotic plant invasion, the frequency of natural fire regimes, and feedbacks between nitrogen deposition and multiple other aspects of terrestrial nitrogen cycling.
  • Beetle infestation and riparian consequences: Beetles are affecting plant communities across the western U.S., and a relatively recent release of the Tamarisk Beetle (Diorhabda elongata) has caused major Tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) defoliation events along western river corridors. I am part of a USGS team working to assess the consequences of this defoliation for biogeochemical cycling, exotic plant invasion, hydrology and plant-water interactions, and bird and mammal communities.


Image of Links

Southwest Biological Science Center:

Canyonlands Research Station:

Canyonlands Research Center:

USGS Climate Monitoring-American Drylands (includes Canyonlands):

Contact Information

Sasha Reed
2290 S. West Resource Blvd
Moab, UT 84532
435-719-2350 - Fax
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