Category Archives: Overview

Off to Help Celebrate with the Village of Plato

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I’m off to help the people of Plato, Missouri, a small village in South Central Missouri, celebrate their being named the 2010 Center of Population. The center of the population as defined by the 2010 Census is that point in … Continue reading

Posted in Overview | 2 Comments

The Credibility of Government Statistics; Trust in their Source

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One of the issues I think about a lot these days is maximizing the credibility of statistical information that we provide to the United States. That statistical information is a key feedback loop for the American public. Our estimates describe … Continue reading

Posted in Overview | 5 Comments

The Future of the US Advertising Industry

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I just got back from speaking to the American Association of Advertising Agencies conference. Like many industry groups they are filled with conversation about challenges facing their field. Much of the early session discussion was focused on methods – how … Continue reading

Posted in Measuring America, Overview | 8 Comments

Debunking the Myth That the Federal Government Can’t be Efficient

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We’re trying out some new ideas at the Census Bureau. The motivation for them is simple. We want to get better. Two things plague large, mature organizations: 1) Quasi-independent subunits not working together, jockeying for resources and influence; and 2) … Continue reading

Posted in Overview | 5 Comments

How Countries Vary in Population Measurement

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While the United States census is mandated in its national constitution to occur each 10 years, other countries do not have such a constitutional requirement. While all developed countries have procedures to measure their populations, they vary greatly in their … Continue reading

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