Monthly Archives: December 2012

2012 Economic Census data collection has begun!

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Written By: Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg Since my last update, 2012 Economic Census operations are now under way. By now, nearly 4 million economic census forms will have landed on the desks of businesses across the country. Economic census forms … Continue reading

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A New Era Begins For Our Field Directorate

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The Closing of Six Regional Offices Written by: Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg Eighteen months have passed since we first announced the planned December 2012 closure of six regional offices and a significant change in how we manage survey data collection … Continue reading

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Remembering Louis Kincannon

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Written by: Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg It is with sadness that I share the news of the passing of Charles Louis Kincannon, our former director. As we mourn the loss of Louis, we share the knowledge that while Louis often … Continue reading

Posted in About the Agency | 35 Comments

The American Community Survey – The Big Data Source for Information about your Community

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Written by: Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg For just the third time, today we released the American Community Survey five-year estimates, which are for 2007-2011. These annual five-year estimates, represent a major statistical innovation in that they provide detailed economic, social, … Continue reading

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