Monthly Archives: August 2011

New Evaluations of the 2010 Census

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We held a press conference to review latest updates on evaluating the 2010 Census. As usual we separated our remarks into process indicators (how well the data collection went), from comparisons of different ways to estimate the population, from the … Continue reading

Posted in Measuring America | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Women at Work

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I presented a set of findings from Census Bureau programs on CSPAN today. Collectively, they provide interesting insights into gender roles and the place of women in the economy. They are based on supplements to the Current Population Survey (CPS) … Continue reading

Posted in About the Agency | 3 Comments

Rural and Suburban America: When One Definition is not Enough

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Last week I was pleased to speak to the Rural Philanthropy Conference. They are a set of private and community foundations that identify problems and issues facing rural America and seek to improve the areas through foundation investments. They want … Continue reading

Posted in Geography | 4 Comments