Monthly Archives: January 2010

Alaska Start IV

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I learned that one of the challenges of the Noorvik school is a high turnover of students. Some of the children live for relatively short periods of time with relatives in Noorvik and then return to another village and another … Continue reading

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The Alaska Start III

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We flew to Noorvik mid-morning on Monday, January 25, a 10-seat plane-full of state dignitaries. The temperature at landing was a balmy 7 F. The one-strip airport is about one mile from the village. There were two dog sleds nearby, … Continue reading

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The Alaska Start II

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We flew from Anchorage to Kotzebue Sunday morning on a 737 divided in two, half for cargo, half for passengers – a clear sign of the business value of shipping supplies to the North. The first leg, Anchorage to Nome, … Continue reading

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The Alaska Start I

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We made it to Anchorage Saturday afternoon, January 23. First, we went to the local Census office (the only one in Alaska), to gather up heavy coats, snow boots, snow pants, and sleeping bags (all loaned to us by local … Continue reading

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And so, it Began …

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Tomorrow, Saturday, January 23, I start my journey to Alaska, to begin the 2010 Census. The enumeration must start early in Alaska because those villages still dependent on subsistence hunting and fishing disperse at the beginning of the spring thaw. … Continue reading

Posted in American Indian, Overview | 3 Comments