Category Archives: Apportionment

A Once-Every-Ten-Year Day

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Although a little more intimate than I’m comfortable with, I thought people might like to know how I spent my day yesterday. At the outset, I confess it is hard to describe the scale and intensity of a day when … Continue reading

Posted in Apportionment, Measuring America | 32 Comments

On The Cusp of an Historic Day

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Almost every week the Census Bureau releases statistical information to inform the society about how it’s doing. Sometimes the statistics reflect economic activity in the US; sometimes, the statistics report on the status of the American public. Once every decade … Continue reading

Posted in Apportionment, Measuring America | 32 Comments

A Data-Filled Fall

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There are many folks awaiting the results of the 2010 Census. Researchers and demographers especially will feast on detailed data releases that begin in December and go right through to 2014 with statistics gleaned from over 130 million households. Before … Continue reading

Posted in Apportionment | 16 Comments

So What Happens Now?

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Now that we’re finished with the data collection for the 2010 Census, it’s tempting to think everything is complete. We have a real hard deadline of December 31, 2010 to deliver the state population counts to the country. By that … Continue reading

Posted in Apportionment | 6 Comments