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Careers & Fellowships
Employee Policies

Lab worker

Diversity at NETL
NETL's goal is to create, maintain, and support a diverse environment that encourages employees to contribute creative ideas, seek challenges, and assume leadership roles to meet and exceed both business and personal objectives. It values the participation of employees from diverse groups in all levels of the organization. The annual Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) plan sets forth strategies and actions to increase diversity at NETL and to effectively recognize all employees.

Understanding and embracing differences in values, generational ideals, styles, and perspectives is essential for everyone at NETL to reach the highest potential as an organization, as a team, and as individuals. Each person is unique--with different skills, backgrounds and perspectives--and brings a distinct combination of talents and experiences to the workplace.

To accomplish these objectives, the staff at NETL believes in:

  • Respecting differences in life experiences, cultural backgrounds, generations, and work and life styles.
  • Recognizing and supporting each employee's need to balance work and family life.
  • Assuring equal opportunity and fair employment practice.
  • Creating a work force, at all levels, that reflects the diversity of our customers and the population at large.
  • Implementing intern employment opportunities for minority students that provide work experience related directly to students' educational programs and career goals.
  • Realizing the commitment to increase the number of women and minorities in the workforce.


NETL's Reasonable Accommodation Procedures

  • An applicant (external or internal) can request reasonable accommodation from a supervisor; the Selective Placement Coordinator, Lisa McCartney; the Employee with Disabilities Chairperson, Dean Stobbe; the EEO/Diversity Manager, Nancy Vargas; or any other individual with whom she or he has contact in connection with the application process.
  • The staff member receiving the request determines who will be responsible for handling it and forwards it, if necessary, to that person as soon as possible and in no more than 10 business days. The individuals designated to process requests for reasonable accommodation are a Human Resources Specialist, an appropriate supervisor, the Selective Placement Coordinator, the Employee with Disabilities Chairperson, or the EEO/Diversity Manager.
  • All requests are reviewed and if approved, accommodations must be made no later than 20 business days from date of the request. If medical documentation is required, time frames may be longer.
  • If a request is denied, it must be documented on the "Denial of Request" form, which explains the individual's right to ask for reconsideration.

Public Law 207-174, Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act) requires Federal agencies to post summary complaint processing statistics on a quarterly basis during each fiscal year, and cumulative fiscal year end data for the five preceding years. No FEAR Act statistics are posted on the DOE Office of Civil Rights and Diversity website.