Monthly Archives: October 2009

Lesson Plan

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Yesterday I telephoned into Ms. Ventura’s fifth grade class at Maple Elementary School in Seattle, Washington. The class was working on their exercises for the Census in Schools program and the students bubbled with questions about how the census works. … Continue reading

Posted in Census in Schools | 3 Comments

What ELSE Does The Census Bureau do?

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I do frequent talk radio interviews that ask about the basics of the 2010 Census. Why do we do a Census? Why is it important? When will we get the questionnaire? One question I often get is why the 2010 … Continue reading

Posted in Overview | 1 Comment

All Packed And Ready to go

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I recently returned from inspecting our National Processing Center in Jeffersonville, Ind., filled with staff busily preparing for the coming decennial census. I witnessed the preparation of what the Census Bureau calls “kits.” These are collections of materials that are … Continue reading

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In Memoriam

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Bill Sparkman was a field interviewer for the Census Bureau who was found dead, hanging from a tree, in Clay County, Kentucky, on September 12, 2009. A memorial for Bill was held on Monday, Oct. 26, a very sad event … Continue reading

Posted in Overview | 10 Comments

A Sense of Tradition

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I just got back from beautiful Southern California where I attended the National Congress of American Indians. I learned a lot about the diverse American Indian nations – there are 564 federally recognized tribes (though not all are members of … Continue reading

Posted in American Indian | 4 Comments