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Careers In The WV-ARNG

If you have a career goal in the private sector, you can bet the Army National Guard has a corresponding career path. Employers are looking for commitment and experience, and there's no better way to fill out your resume than by serving your nation. Contact your local recruiter and get started today!

For more information about Guard Jobs, visit 1800goguard.com or see the MOS Video Collection.

Choose from the following Career Areas:

Careers in Combat Arms Combat Arms
Combat Arms includes careers in Armor, Artillery, Aviation and the Infantry. The National Guard also has Special Forces who specialize in unconventional warfare.
Careers in Combat Support Combat Support
Combat Support supplies and transports ammunition, drinking water, food, electricity, maps, and other materials. Combat Support also provide maintenance for vehicles, weapons and equipment.
Careers in Combat Service Support Combat Service Support
Keeping the organization running effectively and efficiently is the task of Combat Service Support. As in the civilian world, the Guard has members who provide health care, cut paychecks, handle personnel records and operate computer networks.
Careers in Military Police & Intelligence Military Police & Intelligence
The Military Police (MP) is a great place to start if you are interested in a career with a civilian police department. MP's keep the peace and respond to emergencies just like their civilian counterparts. Military Intelligence (MI) is a job that involves the gathering and analysis of important information. MI cryptographers have the critical job of deciphering and breaking secret codes as well as sending information scrambled or coded for security reasons.
Careers in Communications Communications
Communication specialists build, operate and service equipment such as satellite dishes, microwave transmitters, short-wave radio, computer networks and fiber optics.
Careers in Medical Fields Medical
While the duties and responsibilities of Guard medical personnel mirror their civilian counterparts, there are many experiences unique to the practice of military medicine. If you're considering a medical career, it pays to find out more about the Army National Guard.
Careers in Administration & Personnel Administration & Personnel
You'll discover that for almost every Administrative and Personnel job in the Army National Guard, there is a corresponding job in the civilian workplace. From Information Management to Public Affairs and Personnel Administration, Guard members keep the system up and running.

In the West Virginia Army National GuardFind out about Guard Jobs at 1800goguard.com

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