Monthly Archives: September 2012

2011 American Community Survey Estimates Tell Us about our Communities

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Tweet Written by: James B. Treat Do you want to know more about statistics for your local community, such as educational attainment, how many people have health insurance, poverty rates or commute times? Have you ever wondered what the median … Continue reading

Posted in Data Tools, Health Care, Income, Poverty | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Uninsured Rate for Young Adults Drops Sharply

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Tweet Written by: Brett O’Hara Every year, the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey asks respondents whether they had any health insurance coverage during the previous calendar year. Collected since 1987, these statistics are the longest series that measure health insurance … Continue reading

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2011 Poverty – Stories Behind the Numbers

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Tweet Written by: Trudi Renwick In 2011, 15.0 percent of the population had income below the official poverty thresholds.  Between 2010 and 2011 there was no statistically significant change in the percent or number of people in poverty in the … Continue reading

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A Deeper Look at the Income Estimates

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Tweet Written by: Ed Welniak For the second consecutive year, household income declined. Between 2010 and 2011, real (inflation adjusted) median household income fell by 1.5 percent, and the median has declined by a total of 8.1 percent since 2007. … Continue reading

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How We Measure Poverty and Income

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Tweet Written by: David Johnson Income, poverty and health insurance estimates for 2011 from the Current Population Survey (CPS) will be released Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012. One-year estimates from the 2011 American Community Survey (ACS) will be released on Thursday, … Continue reading

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