Monthly Archives: September 2011

Blacks and Hispanics made up a growing proportion of voters in 2010 elections

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Tweet Written by: Tiffany Julian, Social, Economic and Housing Statistics Division The 2008 presidential election saw the largest level of voting turnout among black citizens since the Census Bureau began consistently measuring citizenship status in 1996. A similar peak was … Continue reading

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How small errors can have a big impact on small populations

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Tweet When you checked the boxes on your census form, you probably did not pay much attention to the form design. But it is something the Census Bureau researches and gives a lot of attention. Something as simple as using … Continue reading

Posted in Families, Population | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

Health Insurance: Most Have Coverage

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Tweet Written by: David Johnson, US Census Bureau   New figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau show that most of us – 256.2 million, or 83.7 percent – did, in fact, have health insurance coverage during the entire 2010 … Continue reading

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American Community Survey Takes Our Nation’s Demographic Pulse Each Year

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Tweet Written by: James Treat, US Census Bureau In every census between 1940 and 2000, millions of American households received a “long form”, which contained scores of questions on a wide range of demographic, socioeconomic and housing topics. Following the … Continue reading

Posted in About the Census Bureau, Business Ownership, Data Tools, Economy, Education, Health Care, Housing, Income, Population, Transportation | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

End of Recession Doesn’t Mean Good Times Return Right Away

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Tweet Written by: David Johnson, US Census Bureau An economic recession is typically defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research as a decline in the gross domestic product for two or more consecutive calendar quarters. The last recession began … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Income | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment