BER Facilities

The Office of Biological and Environmental Research plans to maintain and strengthen its specialized facilities for biological and environmental research, providing new facilities based on strategic scientific needs.

The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility a DOE scientific user facility, provides the climate research community with strategically located in situ and remote sensing observatories designed to improve the understanding and representation, in climate and earth system models, of clouds and aerosols as well as their interactions and coupling with the Earth's surface.

The mission of the William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory ( EMSL), a DOE Scientific User Facility located at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)External link in Richland, Washington, is to provide integrated experimental and computational resources for discovery and technological innovation in the environmental molecular sciences to support the needs of DOE and the nation.

The mission of the Joint Genome Institute (JGI) is to provide genome sequencing, genome data acquisition, and genome analysis in support of the DOE mission needs in bioenergy, carbon cycling and biosequestration, and environmental remediation and stabilization.

Guidelines for submitting proposals for access to these facilities are available from the individual centers.

Last modified: 3/15/2012 1:43:40 PM