
News, announcements, training, search functions, Ask-a-Professor, and similar services with direct links supporting DoD acquisition.

Acquisition Process

Three processes cooperate to deliver capabilities needed by warfighters: the requirements process (JCIDS); the acquisition process (DAS); and the program and budget development process (PPBE). Includes links to DoD and Service policies, guidance, tools, and resources:


Information on career management, the DoD Human Capital Initiative, career planning, leader­ship training, over­arching planning and guidance documents, and relevant professional organizations.


Encyclopedic source of acquisition policy that follows a hierarchy of policy issuance (i.e., executive, legislative, federal, etc.) and filtered according to organization, career field, and special topics.

of Practice

Links to communities of practice and special interest areas, the latest contribution and discussion posts for open ACC communities, community highlights, and links to related communities.

Training and
Continuous Learning

Information on training and continuous learning that supports DoD acquisition, information that helps manage professional training portfolios, and information on training available from DAU and DoD and Services activities.


Information on DoD industry partners that helps the participation and execution of DoD processes; including industry support pages, news, information, and links to private sector acquisition contractors.


Functional Gateways

Sixteen functional knowledge gateways, one for each of the defense acquisition career fields.

Special Topics

Links to gateways about important topics outside the general portals and beyond the standard career fields:


About this page...
This page is the career gateway page for Program Management professionals. Here you will find information and links related to the Program Management body of knowledge.
For more information, select any of the page thumbnails in the featured web part in the center of the page, or under “Program Management” in the menu on the top-left.


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Latest Program Management Questions

MAIS/PM requirement applies to systems beyond FOC.
2/13/2013 8:57:00 PM
Question: Does exceeding the $32M program threshold as described in 5000.02 and 10 USC para 2445a automatically mean the system is a MAIS and requires a PEO designated PM? Does the MAIS/PM requirement apply to systems that are in sustainment and past FOC as well as those in development? Answer:The ...(More)

Use of RDTE Funding after DD250
2/13/2013 9:12:00 AM
Question: When does an item officially go into the sustainment phase? Can we use RDTE funding on an item after DD250? What aquisition references bear on these 2 questions? Answer:For the first question, DoDI 5000.02, December 08, 2008, Enclosure 2 defines the Operations and Support Phase of...(More)

MOA within an agency
2/11/2013 8:02:00 AM
Question: Ia an MOA appropriate? Is there another document that should be used? Is any document required at all since this is a support staff department Answer:The answer to the appropriateness of using an MOA within an agency is based on the culture and traditional procedures of the agency. ...(More)

Are agencies such as DARPA subject to DoD Instruction 5000.02?
2/7/2013 1:12:00 PM
Question: Does the DoD Instruction 5000.02 (and subordinate acquisition policy, such as the EVMIG) apply to DARPA? Is DARPA exempt from these acquisition policies somehow (e.g., because it is governed by Intelligence Community acquisition guidance)? The DoDI 5000.02 "Applicability and Scope" secti...(More)

Statute/Law/Regulation that allows the incorporation of Engineering/Early Development Models Pre MS C
2/6/2013 1:49:00 PM
Question: Can you please help me find a reference that holds more water than ACQuipedia? Answer:Engineering Development Model (EDM) is a common term for "production representative articles".  One of the major changes resulting from the DoDI 5000.02 released in 2008 was ...(More)

Performance of a Milestone during a CRA
2/1/2013 8:04:00 AM
Question: Is there any DAU guidance on performing a new-start milestone during a CRA? We understand that we cannot spend any funding before the CRA is lifted, but are assuming that holding the milestone is still appropriate. Answer:Unfortunately, there is no formal policy covering CRA: except for ...(More)

The Different Levels Of Weapon System Management
1/31/2013 8:03:00 AM
Question: How many different levels of Weapon System Management are there and what is the difference between each one? Is there further literature that details the different levels? Answer:As far as I am aware, there is no Weapons System Manager certification track. I would think this may be part o...(More)

Can a CCB be for both OM and RDTE activities
1/28/2013 2:19:00 PM
Question: Is this legitimate? Answer:A Configuration Control/Change Board should be responsible for version control and establishing baselines for RDT&E, Production (Procurement) and O&M activities. The Configuration Control/Change Board (CCB) is created for version control and establishin...(More)

Is an AoA necessary for new start program initiation at EMD phase
1/28/2013 8:47:00 AM
Question: Is AR 71-9 valid in this case, or can DODI 5000.02 be used? If new programs can enter the System at any phase, only programs enter the MSA Phase would require a AoA. Thus AR71-9 is not entirely correct. How can I advice the PM and TRADOC Component Manager to procede after this? Answer:...(More)

Restrictions in fielding/equipping JUONS procured equipment?
1/8/2013 2:53:00 PM
Question: I cannot find any regulation or directive that states any limitations to fielding or equipping and sustainment of JUONS procured equipment, specifically locations not allowed to be fielded to. Are there any restrictions and if so what are they in regards to fielding JUONS procured systems...(More)

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