About the Guide: Key Players & Partnership

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Key Players in the Creation of the Trade Finance Guide

The International Trade Administration (ITA) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce, and its mission is to foster economic growth and prosperity through global trade. ITA provides practical information to help you select your markets and products, ensures that you have access to international markets as required by U.S. trade agreements, and safeguards you from unfair competition such as dumped and subsidized imports. ITA is made up of the following four units:

  • Commercial Service, the trade promotion unit that helps U.S. businesses at every stage of the exporting process
  • Manufacturing and Services, the industry analysis unit that supports U.S. industry’s domestic and global competitiveness
  • Market Access and Compliance, the country-specific policy unit that keeps world markets open to U.S. products and helps U.S. businesses benefit from our trade agreements with other countries
  • Import Administration, the trade law enforcement unit that ensures that U.S. businesses face a level playing field in the domestic marketplace.

Visit Trade.gov for more information.

Partnership and Cooperation

The Trade Finance Guide was created in partnership with FCIB, an Association of Executives in Finance, Credit, and International Business. FCIB is headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, and is a prominent business educator of credit and risk management to exporting companies of every size. FCIB’s parent, the National Association of Credit Management, is a non-profit organization that represents nearly 25,000 businesses in the United States and is one of the world’s largest credit organizations. This Trade Finance Guide was also created in cooperation with the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Export–Import Bank of the United States (Ex–Im Bank), the International Factoring Association, and the Association of Trade & Forfaiting in the Americas.

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