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April 30, 2010


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campaign against distracted driving to a whole new level


In support of the important movement today, please go to http://www.groupon.com/deals/get-off-the-phone
to be a proud voice! Have a "get off the phone sign" in your car (a la baby on board sign)

I wish more of Oprah’s caliber will support all the efforts made to make people drive more carefully. Asking the celebrities to support and speak in public will make the difference that is needed. I do not know who managed to get this subject on the show- but a great “well done” to that person from me.

As a driver of large limousine vehicles weighing thousands of pounds, I see people everyday distracted and changing lanes directly in front of me. My friends who drive large transport vehicles say it is an everyday occurrence. Most of the time they are not only talking on the phone, but talking to other people in their car. I highly support efforts to make drivers AWARE of what they are doing. Personal responsibility can and will save lives. Kudos to Oprah and Gayle King.

I took the pledge, and I'm (almost) at 100% compliance. The habit is hard to break, but I'm far below the number of calls I used to make. For my graduate school research project, I plan to write a paper about distracted driving. Maybe I can generate some stats from all of you...

My daughter April signed her No Phone Zone Plege and we are asking everyone to sign a No Phone Zone Plege today.

This sure will give people time to live a day free from technical gadgets.

Too many people in our society today drive recklessly while prioritizing their phone conversations over the public's safety. I look forward to more legislation regulating texting while driving.

This sure will give people time to live a day free from technical gadgets.

Would like to see more celebs like Oprah back this. Texting and driving should be illegal in every state... it's really a no-brainer.

I think a fine by police will add a lot of effectiveness to this campaign. It's one year passed now and day after day, people are killed by this bad habit. I hope not celebs but the officers need to take some actions too.

Leona @ http://www.learnhowtogetasixpack.com/

Thanks Oprah for making this. Many lives have been saved thanks to this campaign

Thanks Oprah for contribution to the community!
A later report from WHO disclaim Cell Phones May Cause Brain Cancer, support to the No Phone Zone campaign!

Oprah - thank you for bringing attention to this issue. A lot of lives are lost due to accidents caused while talking on cell phones while driving. Say no to cell phones while driving!

Unfortunately, people who talk on the phone while driving don't realize that one second it's enough to kill a person. Latter regrets won't help. Thanks Oprah.

david @ www.sixpackabs24.com

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