August 2012Agribusiness Project

With Agribusiness Project assistance, Suncokret’s walnut butter was named the “Best Organic Shelf Product” at a food show in the United Kingdom.

Project funded by:

U.S. Agency for International Development; USAID/Serbia

Project implemented by:

Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI); International Relief & Development (IRD); Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH)

Key counterparts:

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management; Serbian Chamber of Commerce; Serbia Investment & Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA); client agribusinesses & farmers

Where we work:

Throughout Serbia

Project duration:

October 2007 to September 2012


Internacionalnih brigada 57
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381-11 243-6611
Fax: +381-11 344-5363


USAID’s Agribusiness Project is a five-year economic development project aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Serbia’s agribusiness industry, as measured by increased sales and jobs of assisted companies. The project works in six agricultural sub-sectors: (1) berry fruits; (2) dairy products; (3) herbs & mushrooms; (4) livestock & meat; (5) tree fruits; (6) vegetables. The project’s activities are divided into two main components: Increasing Efficiency & Competitiveness and Improving the Enabling Environment for Serbian Agribusinesses. The project also has implemented a $3 million matching grant program for agribusinesses.


  • Strengthen producer organizations such as cooperatives and agribusiness associations
  • Provide technical assistance & training to client food processors
  • Improve private Agribusiness Development Services (ABDS)
  • Encourage youth involvement in agribusiness & foster start-ups
  • Develop women’s entrepreneurship and support business expansion
  • Enable clients to access new markets and increase export sales
  • Ensure environmental compliance by client firms and contracted producers
  • Improve Serbian livestock and crop production estimates and planning
  • Improve animal/ plant health and food safety for consumers
  • Improve compliance with international standards
  • Assist advocacy efforts for relevant legislative, policy and regulatory reforms


Client firms have increased sales by more than $120 million and more than 7,000 new jobs have been created.
  • With project assistance, agribusiness client companies have attended 46 food and agriculture trade shows since October 2007.
  • The Culinaria Food Show, conceived in 2010 by the project, has established itself as a regional food show with the first two shows in Belgrade resulting in over $10 million in sales.
  • 296 agricultural-related firms, and 96 producer organizations, have received marketing and sales assistance from the project.
  • Five new national industry associations for the organic, herb, mushroom, meat, and dairy sectors have been created.
  • Nearly 20,000 participants in training seminars and workshops have been organized by the project over the past four years.
  • The project’s Women in Agribusiness Program has assisted 600 women from rural areas prepare business plans. The women with the best plans were eligible to receive start-up grants of up to $15,000, while others used their plans to secure bank loans.
  • During the past year, the project has partnered with five local banks, helping them develop new loan products for rural clients, with 52 loans issued to date.