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Hensarling Fights Health Care Takeover Bill

WASHINGTON, DC — "Mr. Speaker, the vote we take tonight may ultimately change the role of government in a society whose most cherished birthright is freedom. There are so many reasons to oppose this legislation. Taxpayer-funded abortions, the sleazy back room deals that gave us the Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana Purchase, the pharmaceutical payoffs. An increase in taxes in an economy where millions have lost their jobs and can still find no gainful employment. As a member of the House Budget Committee I can give you one more:  We can't afford it."

"Our government can't even pay for the promises it has made current generations, much less future generations. After giving us the largest deficits in American history, after proposing to triple the national debt in the next 10 years, Democrats today want to add $2.6 trillion of new spending to the federal budget costing every household $22,000. That's more money to borrow from the Chinese, more bills to send to our children and grandchildren."

"Mr. Speaker, you cannot improve the health care of the nation by bankrupting its children. Now, I've seen the Democrats' Congressional Budget Office letter about cost. Garbage in, garbage out -- garbage in, garbage out. When you put facts in you get facts out. My Congressional Budget Office letter says the program will add to the deficit."

"But even more than cost, this is really a debate about who will control the health care resources of this nation and who will control the health care decisions of our families. If we pass this bill, we will wake up one day only to find that when our loved ones become ill they will wait weeks, perhaps months to see a mediocre doctor of the government's choosing, only to be told by that same doctor that he cannot help because his treatment must be limited by the government protocol."

"In America we must never confuse the social safety net with the slippery slope to socialism. When it comes to the health care of my family, when it comes to the health care of my country, I reject the arrogance of government social engineering and I embrace the affordability and portability that comes with preserving the liberties of the American people."