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Market Compliance Office

  • Ensure that alcohol beverage advertisements comply with the Federal Alcohol Administration (FAA) Act and regulations. This is accomplished by use of pre-clearance services, searching the Internet, and investigating industry complaints regarding competitors' advertising activities.
  • Monitor alcohol beverages in the market place through the alcohol beverage sampling program. The sampling program helps ensure that products in the market place are accurately described on labels from both a consumer deception and revenue protection perspective.
  • Monitor, coordinate, and respond to consumer complaints regarding product contamination and adulteration working in conjunction with Field Operations and the Laboratory.
  • Educate and provide guidance to industry members and the general public on laws, regulations, and activities of the Tax and Trade Bureau, with emphasis on Alcohol Labeling Formulation Division (ALFD) related issues. This is usually accomplished by attending industry trade shows, conferences, and by providing training seminars.
  • Assist Field Operations in their investigation of FAA cases. This can include providing technical assistance regarding COLAs, US Customs documentation, advertising, formula, and labeling issues, referring leads for compliance and product integrity investigations, and reviewing completed cases to determine concurrence with final action recommendations.

Contact Information

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Advertising, Labeling and Formulation Division
1310 G Street, NW, Box 12
Washington, DC 20005

Customer Service Desk (202) 453-2250

or Toll Free (866) 927-ALFD (2533)

FAX: (202) 453-2984
E-MAIL: alfd@ttb.treas.gov

We offer callers to the Customer Service line the opportunity to select the best option that pertains to your inquiry. The following are the options that you will hear. Please listen carefully and select the correct prompt.

  1. Address, Fax and Hours of Operation;
  2. Technical Questions Regarding COLAs Online and COLAs Online Password Resets;
  3. COLAs Online Registration;
  4. Formulation, Statements of Process, Pre-Import Letters, Malt Beverage Labels or Distilled Spirit Labels;
  5. Alcohol Advertising; and,
  6. Technical Questions Regarding Wine Labeling or Status of Wine Applications.


Page last reviewed/updated: 09/04/2012

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