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Office of Research Facilities

Development and Operations

Table of Contents:  

Section G: Temporary Environmental Protection

Projects must to conform to the minimum requirements of the Maryland Department of the Environment.
Each contractor must ensure runoff from their site is not affecting the conditions of walkways or roadways.
Project officers should try to be aware of impending bad weather and ensure their construction area's environmental protection devices are functioning and operational.
Related Documents
"1994 Maryland Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control" http://www.mde.state.md.us/programs/Water/StormwaterManagementProgram/SoilErosionandSedimentControl/Pages/programs/waterprograms/sedimentandstormwater/erosionsedimentcontrol/standards.aspx 

Maryland Sediment and Erosion Control Guidelines for State and Federal Projects" (Revised January 2004) http://www.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/State%20Erosion%20Control%20Guidelines.pdf 

"Maryland Stormwater Management Guidelines for State and Federal Projects" (April 2010) http://www.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/State%20and%20Federal%20SWM%20Guidelines%20final.pdf 
"Maryland Stormwater Design Manual , Volumes I & II" (Effective October 2000) http://www.mde.state.md.us/programs/Water/StormwaterManagementProgram/MarylandStormwaterDesignManual/Pages/programs/waterprograms/sedimentandstormwater/stormwater_design/index.aspx 
 Sediment and Erosion Control
The contractor shall protect all points of construction ingress and egress to prevent the deposition of materials onto traversed public thoroughfares. All materials deposited onto public thoroughfares shall be removed immediately.  It is the contractors responsibility to install and maintain an effective stone construction
entrance at required points of ingress and egress. The location and number of construction entrances should be established during the design phase of the project.

The contractor shall inspect periodically and maintain continuously in effective operating condition, all erosion and sediment control measures until they are permitted to be removed by the project officer.

This page was last updated on Dec 19, 2012