
Rainer Wunderlich

Mr. Rainer WunderlichMr. Rainer Wunderlich
Chief Engineer 

Mr. Rainer Wunderlich is the Chief Engineer at the AFN Bavaria Affiliate. He started working for American Forces Network in 1985, when he was offered a position, working for AFN Nuernberg as the overall technician. The network never looked back, when the affiliate was relocated in 1990. He assisted the chief engineer on the design and all other issues to relocate the affiliate to the W.O.Darby complex. In 1992/93, the AFN-E commander, promoted him to the affiliate’s Chief Engineer. His experience in relocation was again needed when the AFN-E Commander put him in charge of relocating the affiliate from Nuernberg to Vilseck in 1994. Over the course of the move, he planned, managed and organized the relocation of the affiliate with no loss of service to the community. He also saved roughly $200K by utilizing existing equipment, utilities and manpower. From 1995 to 1999 he completed a seven semester long course for staatlich gepruefter electronics technician. In 2000 he also completed a Europe wide accepted course, becoming an internal Quality Manager/Auditor. Mr. Wunderlich constantly develops new ideas and techniques, expanding the affiliates capabilities in the broadcast fields, permanently assuring the stations position as the leading affiliate in the network. His goals and engagement is based on confidence, responsibility, dependence and teamwork.


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AFN American Forces Network ® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Defense.