United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Chalmers P. Wylie VA Ambulatory Care Center

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Teleretinal Imaging Telehealth Screening Finds Eye Disease in Diabetic Veteran
Mr. July is sitting in front of eye imaging equipment.
Ms. Falcone is using eye imaging equipment to examine Mr. July's eye.

Mr. Michael July has been a diabetic on insulin since 1998.  Eye disease is very common in diabetic patients and can go unnoticed by the patient until vision is very poor.  Mr. July’s last eye exam was six years ago, and it was normal.  Summer Falcone, Certified Ophthalmic Assistant, contacted Mr. July as part of the Telehealth Program, Teleretinal Imaging screening.  The screening was for a specific eye disease found in diabetic patients.  Even though he felt his vision was fine and hadn’t noticed any changes, he agreed to come in for an eye exam. 

With the use of a special camera and Telehealth technology, diabetic Veterans can have their eye exams performed at any Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) or at a Medical Center near their home.  The Telehealth technology allows doctors to review the results from their offices.  Summer was concerned about the eye images during the exam, and contacted a doctor to review the images.  Within 48 hours Mr. July was able to have treatment to improve his condition and slow the progress of the eye disease.  He also learned about the need for regular eye exams and managing his diabetes.  Mr. July is happy to report that his diabetes is under better control now.  He is happy to have his vision and for the care he is receiving at the Columbus VAACC. 

If you would like to learn more about the Teleretinal Imaging Program at Columbus, please call (614) 257-5405.