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Civil Air Patrol

Aerospace Education Main Page

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Welcome to Civil Air Patrol's (CAP's) Aerospace Education (AE) web pages.  Take a moment to review CAP's AE mission & membership for educators.  (Click HERE for Educator Membership Info.)  

For more details about CAP's AE program, read CAP's AE Program Overview.  

    Cadets:  Click here for AE resources

    NEW CAP STEM Kit Program

   Air Force Association (AFA) Information       


         FEATURES:   AEO School  June 25-29, 2013   Pensacola, Florida    AEO Application

AE: What's New CAP AE Contacts CAP Aerospace/STEM Curriculum Products
(and how to obtain materials)
Links to Lessons, Visuals,
Career Modules & other Aerospace/STEM Resources
CAP Aerospace/STEM eNewsbriefs
and Newsletters
CAP Aerospace/STEM Alliances


Aerospace Education Officers (AEOs) Aerospace Education Members (AEMs)
AEO Resources:  This page includes information on AEO duties, reports, and AEO schools.  (CAP University and pamphlets, regulations, and forms are also helpful.) ACE Program:  Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) is a free, cross-curricular, grade-specific program for elementary grades K-6. 
AE Curriulums/Programs for Units:  
AEX      Model Rocketry       STK       Additional (including
CAP-TERS, MARC, Robotics, etc.)
AEX Awards Program:  Aerospace Education Excellence (AEX) is a hands-on aerospace program for grades K - college.  Learn how to obtain college graduate credit as a teacher for this program!
TOP Flights:  The Teacher Orientation Program (TOP)Flights page explains how to conduct this program. TOP Flights:  Learn how to participate in this free program that allows you to take flight, literally! 
Grants: Submit an Air Force Association (AFA) grant to try to earn $250 to promote aerospace/STEM education in your squadron! Grants:  Submit an Air Force (AFA) Association grant to try to earn $250 to promote aerospace/STEM education in your classroom! 
Awards for Senior Members & Cadets  Awards for Teachers
Success and Best Practices Need more?  Refer to the links in the yellow bar for a complete list of CAP AE curriculum products, links to lesson resources, AE news, and more.


 TOY           MUSEUM            CAP


  Note: Links or references to individuals or companies do not constitute an endorsement of any information, product, or service you may receive from such sources.