Vitter Committed to Repealing Obamacare Outright

Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter today made the following statement regarding the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare.

“This is obviously an extremely disappointing ruling, particularly with Roberts so amazingly rewriting the law in order to uphold it,” Vitter said. “But I am more committed than ever to repealing Obamacare outright. Obamacare may have been judged constitutional in this clumsy way, but I think it's also been proved a bad idea since its passage that's making things worse. It continues to increase the cost of health care services and puts the federal government between patients and doctors.”

Click here to watch a video of his remarks.

At the beginning of this Congress, in January 2011, Vitter re-introduced leading legislation to fully repeal Obamacare.

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