
Congress is entrusted with ensuring that our tax dollars are spent responsibly. In light of our current national challenges, this role is especially important.

As a member of the Senate, my top budget priority is to establish greater fiscal disipline. To accomplish this, I support many budget reform measures, including:

Opposing massive spending bills and more government bailouts that will not stimulate economic growth.

Passing a strong balanced budget constitutional amendment.

Passing a constitutional amendment to give the President the line-item veto.

Voting for more transparency and oversight of federal spending.

Attacking government waste by consolidating duplicative programs and ending unnecessary spending.

U.S. Senate Budget Committee

Congressional Budget Office

White House Office of Management and Budget


  • Vitter Statement on Fiscal Cliff Vote

    Sen. David Vitter made the following statement after the passage of the fiscal cliff deal. "This is a much better tax outcome under Obama than I would have guessed.  It preserves the Bush tax cuts for 99% of Americans, with good policy on the death tax, dividends and capital gains, so important to s... Read More

  • Vitter: Reid-Obama Proposals Don't Cut Deficit, Debt by One Penny

    (Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senator David Vitter (R-La.) made the following statement regarding fiscal cliff negotiations. “There's certainly no Senate deal yet. And the biggest reason is that every Reid-Obama proposal this weekend raises taxes only to usher in MORE spending – they don't... Read More

  • Vitter Congratulates House Passage of “Audit the Fed”

    (Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senator David Vitter today congratulated the House of Representatives on the passage of Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011. The bill would conduct an audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve as well as the Federal Reserve banks. “This legislation... Read More

  • Vitter, Rep. Biggert Agree on 60-day Flood Insurance Extension

    (Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Sen David Vitter spoke with Rep. Judy Biggert (R-Illinois) asking her to  urge the House of Representatives to move forward on the 60-day extension for the National Flood Insurance Program. The House had previously passed a 30-day day extension, but Biggert, the author of the... Read More

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