Senate Passes Vitter-Landrieu Catholic Schools Week Resolution

(Washington, D.C.) – The U.S. Senate this week passed a resolution authored by U.S. Sens. David Vitter and Mary Landrieu recognizing Catholic Schools Week and honoring the valuable contributions of Catholic schools in the United States.  This year’s Catholic Schools Week, sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, runs from January 27 to February 2.

“More than two million students attend Catholic schools in the United States, and more than 85 percent of them go on to pursue a college degree,” said Sen. Vitter. “These students and their families should be commended for their strong dedication to their faith and for their steadfast commitment to furthering their studies.  As a Catholic school alumnus, and father of current Catholic school students, I know the educators and administrators deserve our thanks for their steadfast commitment not just to educating minds, but to shaping hearts and cultivating the virtues in students that make our country and our local communities stronger.”

“Our nation’s Catholic schools have a long history of putting students from all walks of life on the path to success,” Sen. Landrieu said. “Across America, and especially in Louisiana, they are the cornerstones of our communities, enriching the minds and hearts of young people. My time with the Ursaline nuns provided me with an exceptional education, but more importantly, I learned to use my education for the greater good and built a love for serving others. This week, we recognize our parochial schools for their dedication to charity, compassion and intellectual vigor.” 

Both Vitter and Landrieu attended Catholic high schools in New Orleans, with Vitter graduating from De La Salle High School and Landrieu graduating from Ursuline Academy.

The resolution, also co-sponsored by U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb.), commends the overall graduation rate of 99 percent for all Catholic school students.

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