Multiple Principal Investigators
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Multiple Principal Investigators

The Office of Science Technology Policy (OSTP) and  Office of Management and Budget September 24, 2007 Federal Register Notice (text) (PDF) on Agency Recognition of Multiple Principal Investigators on Federally Funded Research Projects culminated the two-year efforts of Federal research agencies, under the auspices of the Research Business Models Subcommittee of the OSTP, to implement policies and procedures to formally allow more than one Principal Investigator (PI) on individual research awards. Information on the implementation strategies of Federal research agencies can be found at:

The multi-PI option presents an important opportunity for investigators seeking support for projects or activities that require a team science approach. This option is targeted specifically to those projects that do not fit the single-PI model, and therefore is intended to supplement and not replace the traditional single PI model. The overarching goal is to maximize the potential of team science efforts in order to be responsive to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

The General Information section provides an introduction and features of the multiple-PI policy, potential future developments, frequently asked questions, examples of Leadership Plans, and guidance for reviewers. The remaining sections provide additional Background Information, including the results from the Requests for Information through which the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the OSTP solicited advice and comments, and information learned during the Pilot Phase of the Initiative between May and December 2006.

General Information

Background Information

Request for Information (RFI)

Comments from the Community in Response to the NIH Request for Information (October 2005)

Archived Files

Comments or Questions?

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Related Notices