United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Publications Available Online

Many publications are available from Wisconsin NRCS about conservation and our programs.  Publications are also available from the national NRCS website.

Some of the following documents require Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Powerpoint.

Recent Publications

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Report for FY 2012 (1MB,pdf) NEW! Feb 2013

CRP-Converting to Cropland (69K,pdf) NEW! Feb 2013

CRP-Conservation Buffers (116K,pdf) NEW! Feb 2013

CRP-Alternatives and Options (107K,pdf) NEW! Feb 2013

CRP-Converting to Pasture (89K,pdf) NEW! Feb 2013

Wisconsin Report 2012 (4.8MB,pdf) NEW! Jan 2013

Wisconsin Outreach Report, 2012 (6.5 mb, pdf)  NEW!

Sign up now for conservation programs  (201K,pdf)  NEW!

NRCS Assistance to establish cover crops for counties affected by the drought (136K,pdf)

Drought Information for Wisconsin Farmers (136K,pdf)

Annual Forages for Drought Stricken Crops and Pasture - July 2012 (docx, 19kb)

Information for Program Applicants: Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) (270K,pdf) 2012 

Information for Program Applicants: Central Contractor Registration (CCR) (142K,pdf) 2012 

Grazing Land Management-How NRCS can help! (300K,pdf) 2012 

Forestry Practices (6MB, pdf) 2012  Print on 11x 17

Organic Initiative Factsheet (400K, pdf) 2012

High Tunnel Factsheet  (400K, pdf) Updated Feb 2013

Wisconsin Report, 2011 (2MB, pdf)  2011

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in Wisconsin 2011-2012 (750K, pdf)

Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative Strategic Plan 2011-2016 (2MB, pdf)

Conservation Practices for Wisconsin Livestock Operations, (Revised 2013)

Conservation Programs for Wisconsin Landowners (666K, pdf)  2011

Assistance for New and Beginning Farmers (1MB, pdf) 2011

Healthier Farmland and Cleaner Water Solutions to common soil, water and wildlife concerns for farmers (trifold brochure) (256K, pdf)  2011

Conservation Stewardship Program factsheet  (1.8MB, pdf)  2011

Environmental Quality Incentives Program factsheet (1.3MB, pdf)  2011

Environmental Quality Incentives Program factsheet   Hmong and English version (451K,pdf)  Updated Feb 2013

Wetlands Reserve Program factsheet (1MB, pdf) 2011

Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program factsheet (3MB, pdf) 2011

Seasonal High Tunnels flyer (365K, pdf) Hmong and English Version  Updated Feb 2013

Seasonal High Tunnels flyer (365K, pdf) 2012 - Spanish and English Version  Updated Feb 2013

Wetlands Reserve Program - Facts about 30-year Easements (93K, pdf)

Web Soil Survey - Getting Started (2.5MB,pdf)

Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council 2011 Report (3MB, pdf)

Opportunities for Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Growers  (800K,pdf)  Hmong and English version

Environmental Quality Incentives Program Factsheet (600K, pdf)

Conservation Stewardship Program Trifold Brochure (265K, pdf)

Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Conservation Practices - General (196K, pdf)

Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Conservation Practices for Confined Livestock (160K, pdf)

Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Conservation Practices for Grazing (195K, pdf)

Wisconsin Report, 2009 (2MB, pdf)

Cranberries and Conservation (690KB, pdf)

Milking Center Guidelines - Companion Document to Wisconsin NRCS Standard 629

Wisconsin Report, 2008 (2MB, pdf) 

Wetlands and Conservation Compliance. What every Wisconsin farmer needs to know.  (1.2MB, pdf) Information covering NRCS wetland determinations. It is not intended to cover all possible situations, but is a quick reference to familiarize yourself with USDA wetland compliance provisions.  November 2008.

Farm Bill Accomplishments, 2002-2008  (519 KB  pdf, prints on 8.5x11 )

Wisconsin Report, 2007 (2MB,pdf)

Tillage Practice Guide (Practice Standards 329 and 345)  (4K,pdf)

Standards Oversight Council  
(1.3MB,pdf) Overseeing the development Maintenance and distribution of Technical Standards in Wisconsin

Conservation Planning on Cranberry Lands  (447K,pdf)

Greener Pastures: Is Managed Grazing Right for your Operation?  (996K,pdf) Provides information on how to assess if managed grazing is right for your operation. Assesses economic, time saving and environmental benefits of managed grazing. October, 2001

Have you thought About Managed Grazing - Technical and financial assistance available to help grazing operations.  2005

Coon Valley Days (5.4MB,pdf)The story of the Coon Creek Watershed, the first large-scale erosion control demonstration in the US, in 1933.

Coon Creek Driving Tour ( 162k,pdf)- Visit historic Coon Creek Watershed in Vernon County, Wisconsin, the site of the first erosion control demonstration project in the US, started in 1933.  

Can Buffers Boost Your Bottom Line? (845K,pdf) Provides information on economic benefits of buffers, including USDA Conservation Reserve Program. October, 2001

Clean Water Practices (79K,pdf) and Grassland Practices (90K,pdf) of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program conservation practices eligible for CREP in Wisconsin.

Prairie Plants, Warm Season Grasses, Flowers and Legumes (High resolution format 11 MB,pdf or jpeg format of page 1 and page 2 )

Farmland Conservation Choices A Guide to Environmentally Sound Practices for Wisconsin Farmers. (1300k,pdf) Featuring 26 common conservation practices, with an explanation of how each practice works and how it helps improve a farm. Also listed are things to think about when considering a practice, and basic maintenance needs.

Residue Management Choices A Guide to Managing Crop Residues in Corn and Soybeans. (3.3K,pdf) Features charts that show common tillage and planting sequences and the average low and high residue to expect after harvesting, winter weathering, tillage and planting. Also how to get started, tillage equipment, measuring residue, as well as management concerns.

Manure Management Choices For Wisconsin Dairy & Beef Cattle Operations. (728K,pdf) Describes dairy and beef operations and manure management issues for each system, with practical management solutions.

Wisconsin State Soil: Antigo Silt Loam, Technical Factsheet (65K,pdf)

Wisconsin State Soil: Antigo Silt Loam,  Factsheet for kids  (293Kpdf)

Wisconsin State Soil:  Antigo Silt Loam Poster (8.5x11) for kids (125k,pdf)

Fact Sheet: Decommissioning Water Wells - EQIP (404K,pdf)

NRCS Working with the Indian Tribes of Wisconsin (6K,pdf)

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