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Welcome to Twelfth Air Force (Air Forces Southern) Welcome to Twelfth Air Force (Air Forces Southern)

12th Air Force ensures the readiness of 10 active duty wings and one direct reporting unit for contingency operations, and oversees 18 gained Air Reserve Component units totaling more than 818 aircraft and 65,000 Airmen. As the air and space component to U.S. Southern Command, Air Forces Southern conduct security cooperation and provide air, space and cyberspace capabilities throughout the 31 nations of Latin America and the Caribbean.

tabAir Force Mission 
The mission of the United States Air Force is to fly, fight and win...in air, space and cyberspace. 

To achieve that mission, the Air Force has a vision:

The United States Air Force will be a trusted and reliable joint partner with our sister services known for integrity in all of our activities, including supporting the joint mission first and foremost. We will provide compelling air, space, and cyber capabilities for use by the combatant commanders. We will excel as stewards of all Air Force resources in service to the American people, while providing precise and reliable Global Vigilance, Reach and Power for the nation.

The Air Force has three core competencies: Developing Airmen, Technology-to-Warfighting and Integrating Operations. These core competencies make our six distinctive capabilities possible:

Air and Space Superiority :  With it, joint forces can dominate enemy operations in all dimensions -- land, sea, air and space.

Global Attack:  Because of technological advances, the Air Force can attack anywhere, anytime -- and do so quickly and with greater precision than ever before.

Rapid Global Mobility:  Being able to respond quickly and decisively anywhere we're needed is key to maintaining rapid global mobility.

Precision Engagement:  The essence lies in the ability to apply selective force against specific targets because the nature and variety of future contingencies demand both precise and reliable use of military power with minimal risk and collateral damage.

Information Superiority:  The ability of joint force commanders to keep pace with information and incorporate it into a campaign plan is crucial.

Agile Combat Support:  Deployment and sustainment are keys to successful operations and cannot be separated. Agile combat support applies to all forces, from those permanently based to contingency buildups to expeditionary forces.

The Air Force bases these core competencies and distinctive capabilities on a shared commitment to three core values -- integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do.
tab12th AF Mission 
The 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) mission is to provide combat ready forces to Air Combat Command, train and equip 10 active duty wings and one direct reporting unit, oversee 18 gained Air Reserve Component units, and employ 818 aircraft with more than 65,000 Airmen.

12th Air Force (AFSOUTH) takes part in a multitude of operations in the U.S. Southern Command area of focus alongside partner nations in Central and South America, ensuring a safe, secure and stable region.  There are three forward operating locations from which Airmen work hard to counter narcotics trafficking, stop narco-terrorism, exchange ideas with partner Air Forces, provide humanitarian aid, and respond to natural disasters.
tabAir Combat Command Mission 
Air Combat Command is the primary force provider of combat airpower to America's warfighting commands. To support the global implementation of national security strategy, ACC operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and electronic-combat aircraft. It also provides command, control, communications and intelligence systems, and conducts global information operations.

As a force provider, ACC organizes, trains, equips and maintains combat-ready forces for rapid deployment and employment while ensuring strategic air defense forces are ready to meet the challenges of peacetime air sovereignty and wartime air defense. ACC numbered air forces provide the air component to U.S. Central, Southern and Northern Commands, with Headquarters ACC serving as the air component to Joint Forces Command. ACC also augments forces to U.S. European, Pacific and Strategic Command.

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