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USO Help Desk
The ORNL DAAC's User Services Office (USO) is the primary point of contact for answering your questions concerning data and information held by the ORNL DAAC. User Services staff members are knowledgeable about both the data ordering system and the data products themselves. We answer questions about data, route requests to other DAACs, and direct questions we cannot answer to the appropriate information source. Contact methods:
We invite you to register on our site. Registration enables us to better understand the biogeochemical dynamics community by providing us with data access information. Understanding usage helps us to determine future community needs, enables us to contact you if an issue is discovered in a data product you have used, and enables us to fill your data needs through our online data distribution system. To register follow these steps:
  1. Click on the sign-in link in the upper left-hand corner of any page.
  2. Click on the Register Me button in the Pop-up.
  3. Provide us with the following information:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • A password selection
    • A valid email address
  4. Answer the CAPTCHA
  5. Click on the Register Me button to complete registration.
  6. Your information will not be shared with commercial or private organizations. ORNL DAAC adhears to the official NASA Web Privacy Policy.
  7. Upon initial registration, you will automatically be signed into our site. You may explore our data holdings via any of the methods on our Get Data Page.
To obtain data from our on-line ordering system, follow these steps:
  1. Click on the sign-in link in the upper left-hand corner of any pages.
  2. Find the data you want via our Product Overview Catalogue or from one of the methods on our Get Data Page.
  3. Add selected data to the shopping cart by selecting the data set and clicking on the add button.
  4. You may complete your order or view your order by clicking on the Show Cart button.
  5. From the Shopping Cart you may:
    • order selected items by clicking on the Order These Items button.
    • cancel your order by clicking on the Empty Cart button.
    • continue shopping by clicking on the Back to the DAAC button.
  6. You may also order data by clicking on the Data Link or on the Documentation Link.
  7. From the Data Link you may view and download data interactively or through the shopping cart.
  8. From the Documentation Link data can be obtained by clicking on the Get Data button.
All data are FREE of charge.

If you have previously registered on our website but forgotten your password, follow these steps:
  1. Click on sign-in
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Click on the I Forgot My Password link
Your password will be emailed to you. If you encounter any difficulties, please contact uso@daac.ornl.gov.
We ask that registered users check their profile periodically, and make updates as appropriate.

Special Orders
If you can not use our Web or FTP systems, orders may be placed by contacting uso@daac.ornl.gov.
Within our ordering system, SPR denotes data sets that have been packaged with special data subsetting tools.
The User Services Office is currently in the process of developing a FAQ forum. At this time, we've begun by preparing a simple FAQs Page.

The following Tutorials are available to assist you in using ORNL DAAC Products and services:
The ORNL DAAC publishes a semi-annual newsletter containing announcements of new data products being offered to the public as well as news of other happenings and events of interest to the biogeochemical dynamics community. Our newsletter is distributed electronically. To subscribe please make sure that Send Newsletters is marked in your profile. The following is our most recent Newsletter Issue: More news items can be viewed at:

Several electronic publications are available that provide information about ORNL DAAC and other EOSDIS data centers on the EOSDIS Data & Services Outreach Resources Web Page.

Earth System Science Data Resources is a NASA publication containing information about EOS, the world's most advanced and comprehensive capability to measure global climate change.

Data Set Reference Sheets provide a quick look at data available for the six primary disciplinary areas of earth science:

ORNL DAAC is part of NASA's Earth Science Data and Information System (EOSDIS). EOSDIS is the data system component of the Earth Observing System (EOS). Data from all EOSDIS sources, including ORNL DAAC, may be ordered through: The information in Guidance on information management practices and in Best Practices for Preparing Environmental Data Sets to Share and Archive is avaiable to provide guidance to Data Providers.

Information for Educators
Information about NASA's Education Resources and Programs is available at http://www.nasa.gov/offices/education/about/index.html. .

To improve service to our customers, we encourage you to provide feedback about your experience with ORNL DAAC products and services. Understanding your needs is critical to the success of ORNL DAAC operations.


Revision Date: June 01, 2012 webmaster