USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Resilience

FrontLines Releases January/February 2013 Issue

A Maasai father and son tend to their cattle in Kitengela, Kenya. Photo credit: ILRI/Stevie Mann

Read the latest edition of USAID’s FrontLines to learn how the Agency is helping communities become more resilient to new and long standing crises, and how training to journalists and media organizations in developing countries helps create well-informed citizens. Read more >>

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8 Things Our Future Military Leaders Need to Know About Water Management

Chris Holmes with West Point cadets following the lecture on water management. Photo credit: USAID

One day, our future military leaders will be planning and implementing peace-keeping operations, and it is important for them to know how water management approaches can help foster stability, resilience and economic growth. Read more >>

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Communication is Aid: Old and New Technologies Make Aid More Effective

Shujaaz.FM main character DJ Boyie pirates airtime to talk about what's important to youth

Participants of the ‘Communication is Aid: Humanitarian, Media and Technology Collaboration’ event, held in Nairobi, Kenya in early December discuss how communication is used as aid. Read more >>

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Aid Effectiveness and USAID’s New Resilience Policy

USAID/OFDA, in partnership with Catholic Relief Services, also provided hygiene kits, water containers, sleeping mats, and water purification tablets to families in a village on the outskirts of New Bataan city which bore the brunt of the storm. Photo credit: Lisa Gabriel, USAID/OFDA

USAID’s new policy “Resilience” is about using existing development dollars more effectively in disaster prone regions Read more >>

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Storify Features This Week at USAID

mavc storify

This week has been a busy one at USAID Headquarters in Washington, D.C.! Read more >>

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Helping Families Build Resilience and a Better Future for Kids

Carolyn Miles and Moussa in Diema, Mali in August 2012. Photo Credit: Save the Children

Whenever I’m asked to describe the scale of the hunger crisis in the Sahel, I see Moussa’s face. I met him in August during a trip to Mali when he was two months old, but he was so small and frail that I worried he would die in my arms. Read more >>

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Resilience: Safety Net for Reducing Hunger and Malnutrition

David Beckmann is President of Bread for the World

Over the last month, we have watched communities along the New York and New Jersey coastline begin to rebuild from the devastating impact of Hurricane Sandy. It is a reminder that we are all vulnerable to natural disasters that can happen at any time. How communities survive and recover from these shocks depends very much on their resilience Read more >>

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Putting People at the Heart of Resilience

Since 2000, it is estimated that floods, cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes and other natural hazards have cost the world more than $1 trillion. These disasters have triggered significant social, ecological and economic devastation well beyond their immediate points of impact. Read more >>

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Does the New Resilience Policy Have Staying Power?

Villages that have received Mercy Corps training and initial seeds to build community gardens are faring much better than other villages in the region that have not. They have a wide variety of produce they can use to feed their families, as well as excess to sell in the local markets. Photo Credit: Cassandra Nelson, Mercy Corp

The global “resilience” agenda is exciting – and overdue. The idea that aid should invest not just in responding to crises, but also in preventing, mitigating, and helping people adapt to them, has been around for a long time. Read more >>

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Got Milk? 300,000 Kenyan Dairy Farmers Do

As a Dairy Value Chain Coordinator, I help Kenyan farmers apply innovative ideas and technologies to increase milk production by changing the way they manage their dairy cows.  I’m able to do this through the USAID-supported Kenya Dairy Sector Competitiveness Program, which aims to increase the quantity and quality of milk produced by smallholder farmers, [...]

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