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Archived News 2011

Remembrance Ceremony of Embassy victims of the 1994 Genocide

April 14, 2011
Woman speaks at podium. (U.S. Embassy Kigali Photo)

Anne Casper Chargé d' Affaires

Statement by Chargé d' Affaires Anne Casper

Dearest colleagues,friends,young people,all of us in this extended family of the American Embassy in Kigali.

Thank you for being with us today.It is very important for us to come together all of us Year after year to remember.

Even as it is painful,for us to see our dear colleagues’ photos and to recall the difficult circumstances of their passing, it is very important for us to remember.

We will remember all the day of our lives the parents, children, friends, and colleagues who were lost to us.

When it rains and when it shines,we will remember there were times when they sought refuge in vain even though they had homes.

Even though each of us has a different memory Of where we were and what we were doing during the months of April, May, and June, 1994,
it is very important for us to remember together, What happened here in Rwanda during some of mankind’s darkest hours.

Remembering together honors the memory of those who have passed.

And so, today we remember those members Of our own Embassy family who were murdered in the genocide.
Remembering together helps us to heal those wounds that can never be fully healed.
Remembering together is a ritual that binds us together,all of us.It must be a ritual, not only of sadness but of hope.

Not only mourning those who died but thanking God for those who made it through and survived those terrible days. 

We are especially blessed to have with us today,survivors of our Embassy employees,including wonderful young people who are the future of Rwanda.
Origene, your words inspired us Just as all of yOU Have inspired us With your determination to move forward in service, to your communities and to your country.

The best for all of you is yet to come.And as we remember, the state-orchestrated genocide that ravaged Rwanda in 1994,we also remember that genocide is not unique to 20th century Rwanda.

Rwandans are not an exceptional people in this regard.

Genocide can and does happen anywhere.

But Rwandans are a people who have faced extraordinary evil.
And in the wake of this evil,over the past 17 years,many Rwandans and Others from throughout the world, have responded with extraordinary compassion.

We wish all Rwandans strength and peace of mind.

Let us commend and encourage the Rwandan people who are traveling the very difficult path of reconciliation.

Let us support them as they strive to remember that unity lost, can be regained, and that Rwanda can once again be a land of milk and honey.

Those who join together,God will not put asunder.

May you have peace and strength. God bless you.