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Medical Information

Staying Healthy in Rwanda

The Embassy has compiled the following list of health care providers.  Practitioners are included after review by the Regional Medical Officer or Nurse Practitioner.  The list is not meant to be exhaustive or definitive, nor does it represent either a guarantee of competence or endorsement by the Department of State or the U.S. Embassy.  It does indicate that the American community has utilized them in the past.  Retention on this list depends upon a combination of factors including availability, training, and positive assistance in previous consultations.  Patient input, both positive and negative, regarding experiences with local health care providers is always welcome and provides additional information to assist in expanding or contracting this list.  

Hospitals in Kigali

King Faisal Hospital (open 24 hours)
(Behind the Laico Hotel)
Consultation and Hospitalization
Phone:  252 588-888/ 252 589-905/252 587-777 or 078 830 9002
Director of Quality Assurance/Embassy liaison:  Leonora Paice 078 226 8209
24 hour Duty Nurse:  078 853 0351
Additional information available at KFH

This hospital provides 24-hour assistance with physicians and nurses on duty in their emergency room. It has surgical facilities, digital x-ray, CT, EKO, fluoroscopy machines and adult and neonatal intensive care units.  It has a computerized laboratory, specialist-run radiology department and a 24-hour pharmacy.  Specialists can provide dialysis, neurosurgery, oncology, urology, endocrinology, anesthesia, and chemotherapy.  Though King Faisal Hospital is investing heavily in new equipment, as a general rule, hospitals, laboratories and x-ray facilities in Kigali are not as modern or as well-equipped as those in the United States.  It is for these reasons that serious surgical cases are usually medically evacuated from Kigali to Nairobi or Pretoria.  MRIs are normally done in Nairobi.  King Faisal has a 150-bed capacity ambulance service but can accommodate more in the event of a disaster with assistance from the Red Cross and Rwandan military.  Private, self-contained rooms with individual menus, TV and refrigerators are available.

For Appointments at King Faisal Hospital

Call 078 830 9002 or 078 830 9003.    Ask for an appointment with the specialist you wish to see:

Internal Medicine:

  • Dr. Emmanuel Musabeyezu (Pulmonology) 0788872840 
  • Dr. Jules Kabahizi (Nephrology) 07888824874
  • Dr. Betty Khainza (Anesthesiologist) 0788876078


  •  Dr. E. A Nkusi 0788500620


  • Dr. Stephenson Musiime 0788306315
  • Dr. Joseph Mucumbitsi (Pediatric Cardiologist) 0788304402

OB & Gynecology:

  • Dr. Eugene Ngoga 0783150924 
  • Dr. Gaspard Ntahonkiriye 0788531913
  • Dr. Janvier Rwamwejo 0788531913
  • ENT: Dr. Christophe Sayinzoga 0788611724


  • Dr. Francoise Gahongayire 0788306048


  • Dr. Alphonse Ndakengerwa (Traumatology) 0788572585 
  • Dr. Emmanuel Kayibanda (General Surgery) 0788305502


  • Dr. Jean Byimana 0788302210
  • Dr. Alex Butera 0788305703


  • Laurence Ingabire 


  • Dr Sandeep Goyar 0783012622


  • Dr Emertus Chibuga 0783142204
  • UNDP Ambulance 252 575381

Other Clinics in Kigali

Hopital La Croix du Sud
Dr Jean Nyirinkwaya (General Practitioner)
For appointment: 0785246882

Polyclinique du Plateau (open 24hours)
Infectious disease Specialist, Laboratory
Boulevard de la Révolution
Phone: 252 578-767
Dr Antoine Muyombano
Dr Uwicyeza Rose 0788301630

Bio Medical Center ( Laboratory only) Receptionist (Grace) 0788832888
Opposite ETO Muhima, Kiyovu  Phone: 252 577-492
Dr.Alphonse Karagirwa: 0788305005

Other Specialists in Kigali   


  • Dr. Moderva  078 859 5668
  • Rwanda Eye Clinics:  Dr. Francoise Rwakunda
    For appointment:  078 857 0838


  • Dr. Vianka (CHUK)   078 851 1115
  • Dr. Claude Nkundabagenzi  (Clinique Bien-Etre)
    For appointment:  078 845 4647


  • Dr. Kayitesi  078 830 7242

Adventist Dental Clinic:   

  • Leandre Bitwayiki  078 867 5136

Mental Health

  • Impatient Mental Health: Ndera Hospital, Dr Chantal Rugondihene,  Psychiatrist   0785124101
  • Dr Nasson Munyandamutsa 0788300883

Pharmacies in Kigali

Pharmacie Conseil   252 572-374/ 0788303077/ 0788303655
(1)Opposite the Belgian School
(2)Opposite Top Tower Hotel at Kacyiru
Sunshine Pharmacy    252 587 547
(First floor of MTN Center)

Veterinary Medecine
Dr. Rutayisire Alphonse, 0788300659     

Medical Providers and Hospitals Outside of Kigali

Northern Rwanda:
Shyira Hospital (outside Ruhengeri)
Caleb King, MD 078830 7417
Louise King, MD 078883 6095

Southern Rwanda:
Kibagora Hospital (outside Cyangugu)
Sheila Etherington, RN 078854-1206
Julie Yerger, RN 0788232766

Eastern Rwanda
Gahini Hospital (on Lake Muhazi)
Wim Schonbee, MD 078886-4075
Partners in Health Hospital, Rwinkavu, Kayonza
District (near Akagera Park)
Dr Michael Rich, 078830 4234

Butare (Huye):
National University Teaching Hospital
(Ambulance available)
Dr Andre Musemakweri, Medical Director 0788592150 
Mr Gafirimbi Naason, Director of Nursing 0788468384

Medical Evacuations

Touristic helicopters can be rented from Akagera Aviation.
They are currently developing medevac capabilities.
Tel. 0788308382 or 0788307507
Offices at Kigali International Airport

Africa Air Rescue (AAR)
Rwanda Office located in MTN Center
Medical Coordinator (Jason) 078830 8033
Marketing Officer (Lydia) 078830 4477; 24 Hour contact 27(0)115411100

Nairobi Medevac Companies

Intensive Care Air Ambulance (ICAA)
Tel: 254-20-503-755 or 506-790 or 604-945

Flying Doctors of East Africa
Phone: (25420)315454,15455,600090, 602492, 600602, 600552, 600833
Mobile: +254733628-422, +254733639-088, +254722314-239
Fax: +25420344170

South Africa Medevac Companies

Tel: 27-11-242-0112 or 27-11-403-7090
(Fax:27-11- 339-6897)

Net Star
Tel: 27-82-911

SOS International
Tel: 267-716-2411

U.S. Medevac Companies

Access American Inc.
Richmond, VA
Tel: 800-284-8300
Fax: 804-673-1491

Travel Assistance International
Washington, DC
Tel: 1-800-821-2828
Travel Assistance Website

U.S. Air Ambulance
Sarasota, FL
001-941-556-6717- International # for U.S. Air Ambulance.