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List of Grantees of U.S. Assistance For Cambodian Cultural Preservation from FY 2001 to 2011 (Total: $2,447,171)

Metal Conservation Lab

$15,000 (U.S. Smithsonian's Freer/Sackler Gallery of Asian Art)

Goal: Laboratory for conserving metal objects, training of metal conservation practitioners.

Partner and location: National Museum of Cambodia/Phnom Penh
(Additional funding: $125,950 from the Getty Conservation Institute and $12,000 from the Global Heritage Fund.)

Year: 2005-2006

Preservation of Phnom Bakheng Temple Complex

(Economic Support Fund)

$550,000 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Emergency conservation measures, archaeological research, and long-term plans for the conservation and presentation of Phnom Bakheng.

Partner and location: World Monuments Fund/Angkor Archaeological Park

Year: 2004


Phase II: Conservation of Phnom Bakheng Temple, Angkor Archeological Zone -- Stabilization and Restoration of the East Elevation

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$450,000 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Conservation of the 10th-centuary of Phnom Bakheng, Phase II, specifically conservation of the north and south facades of the temple according to methods successfully applied previously on east façade.
Partner and Location: World Monuments Fund/Siem Reap

Year: 2011

Documentation of Three Khmer Music Traditions by the Cambodian Living Arts

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$52,520 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Archiving and creating access to three endangered music forms and creating recordings in Phnom Penh and throughout Cambodia

Partner and Location: Cambodian Living Arts/Phnom Penh

Year: 2011

Embodied Traditional Knowledge: Khmer Classical Dance Technique and Rituals

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$37,395 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: EMBODIED TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE addresses the threat of ultimate loss of expertise through the training of dance teachers in the meaning of the sampeah kru ritual that sustains the teacher-student relationship at the core of the practice of this art, and the gestural vocabulary, pedagogical techniques, danced stories, melodies and costuming related to the “female” character in classical dance, as well as to document them.

Partner and location: Khmer Arts Academy/Kandal province

Year: 2010

The Conservation and Preservation of Metal Art Object at Wat Rajabo's Collection

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$12,100 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: To preserve 12th-century and other metal art objects in the Wat (temple) Rajabo Collection

Partner and location: National Museum of Cambodia/Siem Reap

Year: 2009

Database Implementation and Archive Preservation Project

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$45,386 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: To preserve the archive at the national museum

Partner and location: National Museum of Cambodia/Phnom Penh

Year: 2008

Phase II: Conservation of Phnom Bakheng Temple, Angkor Archeological Zone -- Stabilization and Restoration of the East Elevation

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$979,000 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Protecting the temple structure from further deterioration through stabilization, waterproofing, repairs and partial reconstruction.  Phase II focuses on the temple’s primary East Elevation, the most visible and most heavily damaged part of the site.

Partner and location: World Monuments Fund/Angkor Archaeological Park

Year: 2008

Heritage Management at Prasat Han Chey, Phase II

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$44,301 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Complete the restoration and public awareness campaign for Prasat Han Chey temple.

Partner and location: Ministry of Culture/Kompong Cham province

Year: 2007

Cambodian Object Inventory Project

$29,800 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Secure collections of un-inventoried archaeological artifacts by entering them in a newly created national inventory database

Partner and location: Ministry of Culture/various provinces

Year: 2007

Heritage Management at Prasat Han Chey

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$45,015 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Maintenance, restoration, and raising public awareness of Prasat Han Chey temple.

Partner and location: Ministry of Culture/Kompong Cham province

Year: 2006

Cheung Ek Circular Earthwork Archaeological and Cultural Resource Management Investigations

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$9,553 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Academic research, training, public education and cultural resource management (CRM) of circular earthwork formations and other archaeological sites at Cheung Ek.

Partner and location: Royal Academy of Cambodia/Takeo

Year: 2006

Rescue Archaeological Excavation at Koh Jas (Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$31,400 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Save valuable scientific data from loss due to looting, train young Cambodian archaeologists.

Partner and location: HeritageWatch/Banteay Meanchey

Year: 2005

Archaeological Excavation at Krasang Thmei

$12, 690 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Excavation and anthropological research; train young archaeologists.

Partner and location: RUFA, Faculty of Archaeology/Banteay Meanchey

Year: 2004

Heritage Education Program

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$34,900 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Nationwide education program on the importance of protecting Cambodia's cultural heritage.

Partner and location: HeritageWatch/various locations around the country

Year: 2004

Kbal Neakta: Public Awareness Documentary to Fight Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property of Cambodia

$2,000 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal:  Didactic documentary and wide audience documentary film to raise public awareness of the protection of cultural heritage/property of Cambodia targeting Cambodian national audiences.

Partner and location: UNESCO/various locations

Year: 2004

Folklore Recovery Project

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$29,820 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Collect, conserve and publish in English and Khmer 30 traditional Cambodian oral folktales.

Partner and location: Buddhist Institute/Phnom Penh and other locations around the country

Year: 2003

Preservation of Lakhaon Kaol

$15,000 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Research, revive and stage a new stage version of a story from the Ramayana, making it a permanent part of the performance repertoire.

Partner and location: Amrita Performing Arts/Phnom Penh

Year: 2003

Mapping of Mimotien Circular Earthwork Sites

$8,740 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Better understanding of these rare archaeological structures, improved cultural heritage management.

Partner and location: RUFA, Faculty of Archaeology/Kompong Cham

Year: 2003

Phnom Borei and Its Relationship to Angkor Borei

$7,919 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Archaeological investigation to explore the relationship between two ancient Khmer settlements.

Partner and location: Institute of Culture and Fine Arts, Royal Academy of Cambodia/Takeo

Year: 2003

Krasang Thmei Archaeological Data Analysis

$5,500 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: To explore what this ancient cemetery reveals about the history and culture of the past.

Partner and location: RUFA, Faculty of Archaeology/Banteay Meanchey

Year: 2003

Ceramics Conservation

$11,950 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Ceramics conservation, digital recording of conservation treatments, student training.

Partner and location: National Museum, RUFA Faculty of Fine Arts/Phnom Penh

Year: 2001-2002

Preservation of Ancient Books and Manuscripts

(Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation)

$15,000 (U.S. Department of State)

Goal: Preservation of rare historical books and palm leaf manuscripts from the 19th century.

Partner and location: National Library of Cambodia/Phnom Penh

Year: 2001