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Trade Fairs

Trade Fairs in US (International Buyer Program)

The International Buyer Program (IBP) takes thousands of foreign buyers each year to meet with U.S. companies at major trade shows in the United States. Each year the US Department of Commerce Foreign Commercial Service selects and promotes a large number of trade shows within leading industry sectors. We can help you by organizing meetings and providing matchmaking services and business counseling during the show.

As a participant at an IBP event, you will receive many valuable benefits:

  • Have the logistics of your trip organized for you
  • Meet with qualified U.S. sellers, representatives and distributors
  • Free access to the Export Interest Directory, published by the show organizers
  • Counseling, market analysis and matchmaking services
  • Interesting site visits in the surrounding area
  • Use of an International Business Center where your company can meet privately with prospective U.S. sellers and business partners, and obtain assistance from the experienced Commercial Service staff

Please visit the IBP Database to find the trade fair for you.