Vice President Biden Visits Troops in Iraq

After making a surprise visit to Afghanistan earlier this week, Vice President Biden rounded out his trip with a stop in Iraq, meeting with leaders of the newly formed Iraqi government and visiting with some of the remaining American troops stationed in the country.  Biden spoke about the work American troops are still doing in Iraq to train Iraqi forces and to help establish a strong foundation for Iraq’s infrastructure. 

Biden also thanked the troops for the sacrifices they have made and their service, noting that nearly 32,000 American troops have been wounded in Iraq and more than  4,400 have been killed.  Biden emphasized  the long-term commitment of the United States to support Iraqis as they build a nation that is democratic, sustainable and prosperous.

“When we came to office, the president said that we were going to end this war and we’re going to end it responsibly.  By that we meant we were going to end it by bringing you all home within a time certain, but leaving behind a country that was worthy of the sacrifices that so many of your brothers and sisters have made.” 

Read the full text of Vice President Biden’s remarks.

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About Carlyn Reichel

Carlyn Reichel joins the State Department having recently completed a Master’s degree in public policy. || While writing has long been one of Carlyn’s hobbies, it wasn’t until graduate school that she presumed she had something to say worth sharing – even when she didn’t. She previously worked in public relations and continues to be a political junkie, a history and literature nerd, and a concerned global citizen.

One thought on “Vice President Biden Visits Troops in Iraq

  1. Thank you VP Biden for caring for our troops! Thank you to the men and women in our armed forces!