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Project Description Samarth

Total PEPFAR Assistance To-Date (FY 2006 - FY 2009):  $8,582,000 

Duration:  October 2006 - September 2011

Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI)
Indian Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS (INP+)
Solidarity & Action Against the HIV Infection in India (SAATHII)

Geographic Focus:  National-level, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry

Project Profile:  The Samarth project is one of three components under the umbrella of the $49-million Enhance Project that will directly contribute to implementing quality HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment through technical assistance (TA), capacity-building, and institutional strengthening of government and civil society. Family Health International (FHI) implements the Samarth project in partnership with the Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI), the Indian Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS (INP+), and Solidarity and Action Against the HIV Infection in India (SAATHII).  The key strategic approaches of the project are capacity building, engendering bold leadership and demonstrating best practices.  Samarth provides technical and program management skills to government and non-government staff (including USG partner organizations) in the areas of program planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and sustainability.  The project uses a variety of methods, including mentoring, workshops, conferences, site visits, and exchange programs; placement of program and technical experts at the national, state, and district levels.  The project builds networks and coalitions with community-based groups including PLHA networks and FBOs to implement well-coordinated programs that are mutually supportive. In addition, four demonstration projects in Delhi are currently supported through Samarth.

Key Ongoing Activities:

  • Needs-based TA provided to NACO and SACS in the six states through various mechanisms, including support for hiring staff for Technical Support Units and establishing HIV/AIDS cells to mainstream HIV/AIDS in Ministry activities
  • TA to The Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) in specific areas to strengthen the leadership and governance of the GFATM County Coordinating Mechanism Secretariat
  • Support for four demonstration projects in Delhi for: prevention of HIV/AIDS through life-skills and adolescent education, care and support to PLHA through palliative care and OVC programming  
  • Lessons learned and best practices for technical assistance in key areas like Institutional Capacity Building, Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) programs and Strategic Information are documented and disseminated with government and non-government partners
  • Support to NACO for the development of operational guidelines in specific areas (OVC)

Project Achievements and Innovations:

  • Technical Assistance to NACO in key thematic areas of counseling and testing, epidemiology, basic services and ART through 34 program and technical officers placed at NACO
  • Mentoring plan developed and rolled out for more than 100 NACO and SACS staff in collaboration with national level development partners
  • Technical Support Units established in NACO, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand
  • HIV/AIDS cell established in Ministry of Women and Child Development
  • Mapping of HRG completed for all 71 districts in Uttar Pradesh
  • TA to build the capacities of selected District AIDS Prevention and Control Units and PLHIV Drop-in Centers in Tamil Nadu
  • Training for reducing Stigma and Discrimination for PLHIV conducted for more than 2,000 Health Care Providers in Uttar Pradesh
  • TA provided to Karnataka Health Promotion Trust in implementing Life Skills Education Program

For Further Information: