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Project Description Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust (HLFPPT)

Duration:   April 2005 - June 2011 

Partners:   Avert Society 
                  Johns Hopkins University 
                  Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS)
                  Mumbai District AIDS Control Society (MDACS)

Geographic Focus:  22 high-prevalence districts in Maharashtra State and Goa

Project Profile:  HLFPPT is implementing a condom social marketing (CSM) program among high-risk populations in 22 high prevalence districts in Maharashtra State.  The goal of the condom social marketing program is to ensure availability and accessibility of high quality condoms to high-risk groups and people engaged in high-risk behavior.  HLFPPT works closely with the Avert Project, the Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society, Mumbai District AIDS Control Society, Johns Hopkins University and other partners in the implementation of CSM program. It also collaborates with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other condom social marketing partners in expanding the program among high-risk groups and avoids duplication of efforts.

Key Ongoing Activities:

  • Support Mapping of retail outlets in the high-risk areas of 22 high prevalence districts of Maharashtra state
  • Establish partnerships with social marketing organizations and manufacturers
  • Train retail outlets in high-risk areas to stock and sell condoms
  • Conduct training on social marketing for NGOs and CBOs
  • Design and implement a generic condom promotion campaign for high-risk groups
  • Conduct quality assessment of condoms available in the high-risk areas
  • Conduct activities leading to the promotion of Female Condoms and special condoms for Men Having Sex with Men (MSM) Populations
  • Establish condom vending machines in high-risk locations
  • Technical Support to Maharashtra and Goa State AIDS Control Societies (SACS)

Project Achievements and Innovations:

  • Over 70 NGO Retailer mapping completed in 22 high-prevalence districts. The study identified over 21,000 outlets frequented by high-risk groups
  • Over 9,916 condom retailers trained. Of these over 5,000 condom retailers identified for stocking and selling quality condoms. From April 2007 to March 2008, 920,000 condoms were sold
  • 1,310 non-traditional outlets (NTOs) are converted to "Sahi" outlets which will only stock and sell quality condoms
  • Generic condom promotion campaign targeting high-risk groups launched on TV, Radio and Print media. The National AIDS Control Organization adapted the TV advertisement for National level campaign
  • Targeted communication initiated for transportation workers, MSM and FSWs
  • Over 2,800 condom vending machines established in high-risk locations
  • Condom Quality assessment conducted and advocacy with government is planned for ensuring quality assurance in condom supplies
  • Customized condom pack with extra lubrication developed for MSM population
  • Condom Social marketing module for NGO developed with state partners and 42 NGOs have been trained (23 from Avert Society and 19 from GSACS)
  • Scale-up of female condom promotion program in the state of Maharashtra. Conducted training of 31 core trainers who will support the scale-up of female condom promotion program with 76 NGO partners from MSACS, MDACS, AVERT society, BMGF, FHI, KHPT, Pathfinder and FPAI

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