Policies & Procedures

The School Handbook provides information and guidance about school policies, procedures, and programs.

Download Handbook: Robert D. Edgren Handbook (PDF, 913 KB)

Robert D. Edgren High School
Honor Code

Edgren High School students are persons of integrity.
We stand for that which is right.

We commit ourselves to uphold the ideals of honor and loyalty
by refusing to betray the trust bestowed on us by our parents, friends
and teachers.

We tell the truth and ensure that the full truth is known.
We do not lie, deceive, or evade the truth.

We embrace fairness in all our actions.
We ensure that work submitted as our own is our own.
We do not cheat or plagiarize.

We respect the property of others.
We do not steal.

The Honor Code describes the standard of ethical behavior that all students should choose to live by. It provides a foundation for a way of life and for the development of self-respect and good character. It is the responsibility of every student to uphold the honor code and the good name of Robert D. Edgren High School.