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Ambassador's Corner

Welcome Message

Ambassador Lisa Kubiske

We'd like to welcome you to our website, the Virtual Consulate of the United States of America for San Pedro Sula.  While we are based in Tegucigalpa, we at the Embassy are responsible for covering the fast growing areas of San Pedro Sula and the north coast.

The Embassy in Tegucigalpa is responsible for covering everything from non-immigrant visas and services for American citizens to trade and public diplomacy.  While we follow general economic trends and politics closely, the development of San Pedro Sula as the business capital of Honduras requires a singular focus.  With Tegucigalpa capturing most of our attention, the activities and good work of our many agencies in the north sometimes goes unnoticed.  This site is intended to change that.

The Virtual Consulate is a new tool of U.S. diplomacy in the 21st century.  Virtual Consulates are information vehicles that promote contacts and interaction between the citizens of a city or region outside the United States and Americans.  The Virtual Consulates also serve to allow the U.S. government to more effectively conceive and implement its diplomatic and outreach programs to specific communities.  We hope we've created a site that benefits both our countries; one that contains useful information for everyone; and one that celebrates the heritage, history, and homelands that make Honduras and the United States such special friends and allies.

We'd like to hear from you.  Please feel free to drop us a line.  Tell us what you like, and where you think we could improve.  Send us ideas on how we can do a better job of interacting with San Pedro community.  If you hear about Americans planning to visit the San Pedro Sula area – be it a trade delegation or a performing arts group or even a tour group – let us know.  If a group from San Pedro Sula is planning an official trip to the United States, let us know about that too.  We're happy to tell others about the rich diversity of both our countries, and about the important and enduring bond between Honduras and the United States of America.