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Strengthen your skills and advance your career through further education in water resources planning and management. Find the program that is right for you!


Aerial view of Littleville Lake, MA

Water Resources Training and Education is a guide to available educational opportunities in water resources planning and management around the United States, as well as select international programs. To find the program that best suits your needs you may search by location, degree or certificate level, or field of emphasis. Whether you are seeking a full-time degree program, a distance learning course, or any other format, this website can help identify for you the best available educational opportunities.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employees may also search for programs based on their geographical proximity to a USACE Division. PROSPECT courses and the Planning Associates Program for Corps employees are also accessible through this site. However, the university programs posted here are available to all qualified students.

To get started, choose your search criteria:




revised 6 February 2012

Photo of Water Drop

USACE Centrally Funded University Training for FY 2012 (Academic Degree Training)